It looks like rain will close Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo Friday for sure and possibly all weekend for visits. Always please check in by texting Farmer Mary or check for her 8am posted weather updates before coming on questionable (weather) days. farmer Mary has been getting cages and hutches ready for the possible high wind and rain. Now we wait…
Thank YOU for supporting a small local farm family women owned animal rescue.
Here’s a link to Farmer Mary’s Amazon Wish List:
Please look for the VERY VERY well marked entrance at 12936 Ghoston Road in Wake Forest. DO NOT turn down Farmer neighbors private road when your GPS says to!
Volunteers are always needed to help with basic animal care. Read the “Volunteer”pages at
Did you know that it helps ALOT if you comment or share Farmer Mary’s posts on Instagram and at Winterpast Farm on Facebook posts and her FaceBook Events? Then Facebook (which owns Instagram) allows more people to view Farmer Mary’s posts. Farmer Mary cannot afford to pay to promote her posts!
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
Fri Sept 30 CLOSEDAnimal Selfie Day will be rescheduled
Sat Oct 1 OPEN 10-5????Donkey Day
(Check Farmer Mary’s 8am posted weather update
Sun Oct 2 OPEN 12-5????(Check Farmer Mary’s 8am posted weather update)
Mon Oct 3 OPEN 10-5????(Check Farmer Mary’s 8am posted weather update)
Tues/Wed/Thur CLOSED
Fri Oct 7 OPEN 10-5 EMU DAY
Sat Oct 8 OPEN 2-6 *note the unusual open hours please
Sun Oct 9 OPEN 12-5
Mon Oct 10 OPEN 10-5(wcpss teacher workday)
#winterpastfarm #ncfarm #pettingzoo #trianglefamilyfun #wakeforestnc #raleighmoms #carymoms #trianglemoms #durhamfamily #triangleoutdoors #blacklivesmatterhere #farmher #getoutside #animals #comevisit #ncagritourism #pig #rain