New 4 acre private dog park OPEN in Wake Forest NC
Open the gate with your dog on a leash and there is 6 foot bamboo fencing so you don’t see Farmer Mary’s dogs.
Walk through a peaceful ivy floored forest trail. Look closely for gnomes and fairy decor along the trail. Open and close the next gate and you are in a fully fenced 4 acre forest. Nice variety of hills, open pasture and deeply shaded mature pine forest. We have numerous hammocks, picnic tables, great dog agility equipment, a clean bathroom in the parking lot, lots of dog toys and fun dog tugs hanging from trees, poop bags, sanitizer, a hose and small wading pool for water (splash pad will be coming soon).
soon for evening times as well. A small vintage trailer is being fixed up for overnighting with your pup.
Space will be yours alone.
$10/person + $10/dog first hour half price second hour if available. Additional dog half price any hour.( same owner)
Farmer Mary is hoping some people and their friends with dogs might enjoy evenings with hammocks and christmas tree lights in the trees -BYOB.
Eager to get other ideas from dog owners – please comment!
We plan to approach local dog trainers and dog breeders hoping they might use the space for a field trip or group event, littermate meetups. Perfect off leash space for any reactive dogs, big dogs, new dogs, training space…we are trying to come up with providing for local dog lover needs.Farmer Mary also has her Goldens, Border Collie and Great Dane available for dogless folks who just want a great outdoor dog experience.
There will also,at other times in that space, to be nature based forest and animal times: Toddler Tuesdays, Mud Kitchen Mondays and story time with Farmer Mary some weekday mornings (to be determined) and Forest Child Private Playground which parents and parent groups will rent by the hour.
RC car nature trails-tell friends- off road remote car fun. Text 9192441800 to schedule. #winterpastfarm #dogpark #privatedogpark #offleash #ncoffleash #wakeforestdog #triangledog #raleighmoms #durhammoms #trianglefamily #raleighdog #hammocklife #triangledogpark #ncprivatedogpark #ncdogs #dogs #wakeforestmoms