Guess who fell sound asleep during their one week old photo shoot today at Winterpast Farm in Wake Forest NC
The one week old Goldendoodles spend most of their time nursing and sleeping in a maternity pool under a red heat lamp so photos and videos are yellow.
This quick outdoor photo shoot today shows their true colors. Their Dad is HENRY an English Cream Golden Retriever who is all white. Their Goldendoodle Mom, LIZZZIE LOU, is mostly light gold. Farmer Mary is curious to learn if their fur will be flat like Dad or wavy like Mom. What do YOU think
Which is YOUR favorite puppy
We identify puppies by their collar color:
Red collar is a girl.
Pink collar is a girl.
Purple is a boy.
Farmer Mary weighs them a couple times a day and all is well. You can watch them at Winterpast Farm on Facebook Live most days and most evenings. Tune in and please leave comments which will help boost the farmβs Facebook status and allow more people to see Farmer Maryβs posts.
BTW: Eyes usually open at two weeks and ears
open at around three weeks.
PUMPKIN PIEβs 9 Golden Retriever pups born April 29 all have families and forever names: SADIE, ROSIE, FRANKLIN, CHIEF, BEAR, MILLIE, LIVY, LUCY, ASLAN. Can anyone comment which forever names go with which original collar colors?
The back pasture of Winterpast Farm has turned to the amazing annual blooming βField of Goldβ so plan to come visit soon and take some truly unique and amazing photographs here soon before Farmer Mary mows down the Bitterweed.
You never know which animals may photo bomb your pic
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
Fri July 28 OPEN 10-6
Sat July 29 OPEN 10-5
Sun July 30 OPEN 12-5
Mon July 31 OPEN 10-5
Fri Aug 4 OPEN 10-6
Please read βYour visitβ at
Thank YOU for supporting a small local farm family animal rescue.
#winterpastfarm #wakeforestnc #pettingzoo #farmilyfarm #farmermary #raleighmoms #durhammoms #trianglefamily #ncgoldens #goldenpuppy #goldenpup #goldenlife #oneweek #weekone #wiggly #puppies #dog #dogs #goldendoodles #photoshoot