🐰OREO bunny has enjoyed being hosted by a local family this week. She was a pet who was donated to Winterpast Farm in Wake Forest NC.

🐰“Oreo is amazing and we enjoyed hosting her“.

❓Do you know about Farmer Mary’s Pet Hosting Program at Winterpast Farm in Wake Forest NC? Take a small caged pet (bunny, guinea pig, SONIC the hedgehog 🦔) home for a week. Learn what caring for a small caged pet is really like then bring it back to Winterpast Farm. Most hosts are astounded by the amount of poop 💩. YOU can help Farmer Mary recycle existing pets instead of creating more.

🐰“Rent for a week and get over it” says Farmer Mary. About 99 percent of hosts DO get over the whole idea of “owning” a small cages pet after a week long highly educational animal experience.

🐰OREO comes back today. She and other bunnies and guinea pigs are available for hosting. Text Farmer Mary at 919-144-1800 for more information and to schedule your next temporally pet experience. #rentdontshop #rentarabbit #temporarypet #recycleexistingpets #winterpastfarm #wakeforestnc #familyfarm #pettingzoo #animalrescue