Farmer Mary has created a great mud kitchen at Winterpast Farm in Wake Forest NC. Bring your children to play outdoors. Please share with local preschools and play groups.
Forest Child Private Playground (mud kitchen, lots of hammocks, climbing ropes, splashpad, zipline, big black tubes to roll down hills) Great for families and groups. Homeschoolers and unschoolers welcome! $10/hour/person. Bring your dog along for $10. Or, enjoy the company of Farmer Mary’s very nice dogs. By appointment only. Text Farmer Mary at 919-244-1800. #winterpastfarm #wakeforestnc #privateplayground #mudkitchen #kidsoutdoors #trianglefamily #wakeforestfamily #raleighfamily #wakeforestmoms #trianglemoms #durhammoms #raleighmoms #ncexplore #outandaboutnc #nchiddengems #ncmoms #ncmomblogger #farmermary #pettingzoo #animalrescue #familyfarm #ncoutdoors #forestchildprivateplayground #triangleliving #triangleoutdoors #muddy #outdoorlearning #unschooled