A farmer friend had a spare baby lamb who has moved to Winterpast Farm. She turns a week old tomorrow and is drinking a bottle and hanging out with Farmer Mary’s new puppy, Charlie. “Juliet Louise” would love a visit!Lizzie Lou, the goat, is a bit jealous, but the other animals are curious. The geese are terrified of her which is pretty funny. Big Mama, the pig, was asleep when Juliet arrived today, so hasn’t seen her yet, but the baby pigs played with her. She rode well in the car, and will hopefully settle in. Tonight she’s sleeping in the house with Charlie.
Text Farmer Mary at 244-1800 to arrange a visit to Winterpast Farm to feed and pet and hold and love all the animals. There are baby bunnies right now, and more to come. Two hens are setting on eggs that may hatch any day. Mother Muscovy duck was setting on eggs but seems to have disappeared…hopefully she’s just setting on a secret nest. Time will tell….come help Farmer Mary count the huge emu eggs in the back pasture. You won’t believe the color and size! Winterpast Farm is open every day including Sunday afternoons, but please schedule your visit so you don’t show up accidently during a birthday party!
Farmer Mary tends to be outside and, lacking a “smart” phone, may not see email til nighttime (and that’s after her teens finish with the shared computer she recently bartered the use of for dog care)…so, if it’s a nice day and you want to visit the farm, text her at 919 244 1800 and she can arrange a time.
Learn MoreFarmer Mary has helped celebrate a wide variety of birthdays, including her own!, from age 1 to age 51 this month. The 21st birthday included writing out the numbers “21” in bright green/blue emu eggs! That’s a unique photograph! Holding bunnies is always part of a birthday celebration. We have lots of baby bunnies who are happy to spend time in your hoodie pocket as you explore the farm and meet animals.
Think about celebrating your next event at Winterpast Farm. Bonfires, campouts, potlucks, picnic lunch or dinner…we can help you plan a memorable event. Contact Farmer Mary at marymomfarmer@hotmail.com
Learn MoreFarmer Mary has to make room for baby chicks and ducklings and other babies this Spring. If you have ever considered a bunny or guinea pig as a pet, Winterpast Farm is the place to go. You can buy, rent, exchange and return….Right now friendly guinea pigs and bunnies are only $10 which is half the usual price. Farmer Mary is planning a rabbit expansion with more varieties starting this Spring.
Meanwhile, Lizzie Lou the goat is STILL pregnant…rounder daily.
Big Mama the pig is a good mother and occasionally lets us hold a baby a while.
Baby bunnies are multiplying and getting ready for Easter and other Spring photography…schedule your visit soon and pick out your favorite bunny. There are plenty to hold.
Farmer Mary is getting a new dog, a stray rescued through Animal Control of Wake County…she and her children are still working on coming up with the right name. Come see him soon!Here he is at his foster home. Hope to bring him to the farm within the week. What alot of new smells he’s going to enjoy there!