OPEN 10-5 Wednesday March 4
CLOSED Thursday March 5
OPEN 10-5 Friday March 6
OPEN 10-5 Saturday March 7
CLOSED Sunday March 8 for Birthday party and Easter photos
OPEN 10-5 Monday March 9
OPEN 10-5 Tuesday March 10
OPEN 10-5 Wednesday March 11
OPEN 10-5 Thursday March 12
OPEN 12-5 Friday March 13 after a preschool filed trip
CLOSED Saturday March 14
CLOSED Sunday March 15 for away Birthday party
OPEN 10-5 Monday March 16
CLOSED Tuesday March 17
OPEN 10-5 Wednesday March 18
CLOSED Thursday March 19
OPEN 12:30-5 Friday March 20 after an away preschool visit
OPEN 1-5 Saturday March 21 after an away Birthday party
OPEN 1-5 Sunday March 22
OPEN 10-5 Monday March 23
CLOSED Tuesday March 24
OPEN 10-5 Wednesday March 25
CLOSED Thursday March 25
OPEN 10-5 Friday March 27
CLOSED Saturday March 28 for away Corporate event and away Birthday
CLOSED Sunday March 29
OPEN 10-5 Monday March 30
CLOSED Tuesday March 31
Always text Farmer Mary at 919-244-1800 to schedule a visit. Please do not just drop by. The schedule may change. Farmer Mary tries to update regularly both here and at the Winterpast Farm FB page. PLEASE read “your visit” at before your visit. It explains in great detail how to schedule a visit, what to bring, animal food you can bring for the animals, how to park, admission prices and more. Please do not call to ask these simple questions which are all answered at “your visit” at our website: You will be interrupting someones farm visit.
Learn MorePlease don’t schedule a visit to Winterpast Farm this time of year if you don’t like a little mud! Spring is on the way! Schedule for March is posted below.
Learn More