BRIAN the week old goat celebrated turning one week old today with some of his young farm friends-baby bunny is 14 days old and chick is six days old.
OPEN Mon Feb 29 from 10-5
CLOSED Tues March 1
OPEN Wed March 2 from 10-5
CLOSED Thurs March 3
OPEN Fri March 4 from 10-5
OPEN Sat March 5 from 10-5
OPEN Sun March 6 from 1-5
OPEN Mon March 7 from 10-5
CLOSED Tues March 8
Please read the entire “your visit” page at our website which explains how to schedule a farm visit, details our admission and parking and lists food you can bring to feed the animals. Then TEXT Farmer Mary at 919-244-1800 to let her know how many at what time.
Thank you for supporting a small local farm family. Follow the farm on Instagram at winterpast_farm
#sunshinetoday babychicks #babyducklings #babyducks #babyducklingsarethecutest #pettingzoo #visitwinterpastfarm #opentomorrow #ncfarm #wakeforestfun #wakeforestnc #babyphotography #photographinganimals #photoswithanimals #babygoats #babygoatsofinstagram #wakeforestfun
Poor BARNEY, sweet PETUNIA the “teacup” pig (who grew and grew and grew and was donated to Winterpast Farm petting zoo in Wake Forest NC) stole his outside bed! PETUNIA, who visitors adore but occasionally overfeed, sneaked from the pasture into the front yard a few days ago after a bonfire. She has no immediate plans to leave where all the visitors and food buckets are! Poor BARNEY. Come console him and bring a lo-cal snack like celery or carrots for PETUNIA.
Please read ” your visit” at which will answer all questions about visiting Winterpast Farm.
#getoutthere #getoutdoors #trianglekids #pigsofinstagram #teacuppigs #teacuppigsofinstagram #lovepigs #pigsgrowfast #winterpastfarm #farmermary #lifeouthere #barney #dachshundsofinstagram #loveseniordogs #olddogs #ncfarm #ncfamilyfun #visitwinterpastfarm #opentomorrow
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Yesterday Farmer Mary was speaking with Animal Control in a nearby town where a loose emu was on the run. This morning Farmer Mary helped officers capture the emu,and load it into the Winterpast Farm van and it is now hanging out in the back pasture. OSCAR and EMILY, the emu pair already living at Winterpast Farm, didn’t seem particularly interested in the new arrival. Farmer Mary is hoping they will all get along.
OPEN Fri Feb 26 from 10-5
OPEN Sat Feb 27 from 10-5
OPEN Sun Feb 28 from 1-5
OPEN Mon Feb 29 from 10-5
CLOSED Tues March 1
OPEN Wed March 2 from 10-5
CLOSED Thurs March 3
OPEN Fri March 4 from 10-5
OPEN Sat March 5 from 10-5
OPEN Sun March 6 from 1-5
OPEN Mon March 7 from 10-5
CLOSED Tues March 8
Please read “your visit” at our website which explains how to schedule a farm visit, details our admission and parking and lists food you can bring to feed the animals. Then TEXT Farmer Mary at 919-244-1800 to let her know how many at what time.Thank you for supporting a small local farm family. Follow the farm on Instagram at winterpast_f
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Quail eggs will be for sale soon at Winterpast Farm Petting zoo in Wake Forest NC. Photo shows their size compared with a normal chicken egg.
Tomorrow morning Farmer Mary is driving to Lillington to pick up 75 jumbo quail eggs to hatch. They will hatch in about 17 days and then the females will be laying their own eggs in seven weeks!!
Farmer Mary’s brand new incubator is heating up. We just had a few flickers with lights on and off. Farmer Mary is hoping the power doesn’t go completely off!
#quail #quaileggs #quailegg #winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #eatmoreeggs #hatching #hatchingeggs #babyquail #animalsofinstagram #visitwinterpastfarm #winterpastdotorg #rainraingoaway
Farm Schedule:
CLOSED Thurs Feb 25
OPEN Fri Feb 26 from 10-5
OPEN Sat Feb 27 from 10-5
OPEN Sun Feb 28 from 1-5
OPEN Mon Feb 29 from 10-5
CLOSED Tues March 1
OPEN Wed March 2 from 10-5
CLOSED Thurs March 3
OPEN Fri March 4 from 10-5
OPEN Sat March 5 from 10-5
OPEN Sun March 6 from 1-5
OPEN Mon March 7 from 10-5
CLOSED Tues March 8
Please read “your visit” at our website which explains how to schedule a farm visit, details our admission and parking and lists food you can bring to feed the animals. Then TEXT Farmer Mary at 919-244-1800 to let her know how many at what time.
Thank you for supporting a small local farm family. Follow the farm on Instagram at winterpast_farm and don’t miss a single post!
To register:
Farm Schedule: CLOSED Thurs Feb 25 OPEN Fri Feb 26 from 10-5 OPEN Sat Feb 27 from 10-5 OPEN Sun Feb 28 from 1-5 OPEN Mon Feb 29 from 10-5 CLOSED Tues March 1 OPEN Wed March 2 from 10-5 CLOSED Thurs March 3 OPEN
Fri March 4 from 10-5 OPEN Sat March 5 from 10-5 OPEN Sun March 6 from 1-5 OPEN Mon March 7 from 10-5 CLOSED Tues March 8 Please read “your visit” at our website which explains how to schedule a farm visit, details our admission and parking and lists food you can bring to feed the animals. Then TEXT Farmer Mary at 919-244-1800 to let her know how many at what time. Thank you for supporting a small local farm family. Follow the farm on Instagram at winterpast_farm and don’t miss a single post!
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