Bottle feeding baby goats and a baby lamb capped off a fun farm Birthday party today at Winterpast Farm petting zoo in Wake Forest NC. (Video shows much clearer at winterpast_farm on Instagram)
Read more about Farm Birthdays at
Come visit the farm soon!
Winterpast Farm Schedule
OPEN Sun May 1 from 12-5 (will close if raining)
CLOSED Mon May 2
CLOSED Tues May 3
OPEN Wed May 4 from 10-5
CLOSED Thurs May 5
OPEN Fri May 6 from 10-5
OPEN Sat May 7 from 10-5
OPEN Sun May 8 from 12-5 all mothers half price admission!
CLOSED Mon May 9
CLOSED Tues May 10
OPEN Wed May 11 from 12-5
OPEN Thurs May 12 from 10-5
CLOSED Fri May 13
CLOSED Sat May 14 for two away birthdays
OPEN Sun May 15 from 12-5
OPEN Mon May 16 from 10-5
CLOSED Tues May 17
OPEN Wed May 18 from 12-5
CLOSED Thurs May 19
Please read the ENTIRE “your visit” page at our website which explains how to schedule a farm visit, details our admission and parking and lists food you can bring to feed the animals.
Then TEXT Farmer Mary at 919-244-1800 to let her know how many will be arriving at what time.Be sure to check open dates first!
Follow the farm fun at winterpast_farm Instagram.
#farmbirthday #bottlefeeding
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Teens are flocking to Winterpast Farm Petting zoo-great location for dates, to rent a goat to ask someone to prom, and for just hanging out with friends and all the sweet animals at Winterpast Farm petting zoo in Wake Forest NC.
Read “your visit” at to learn how to schedule your visit.
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
OPEN Sun May 1 from 12-5
CLOSED Mon May 2
CLOSED Tues May 3
OPEN Wed May 4 from 10-5
CLOSED Thurs May 5
OPEN Fri May 6 from 10-5
OPEN Sat May 7 from 10-5
OPEN Sun May 8 from 12-5 all mothers half price admission!
CLOSED Mon May 9
CLOSED Tues May 10
OPEN Wed May 11 from 12-5
OPEN Thurs May 12 from 10-5
CLOSED Fri May 13
CLOSED Sat May 14 for two away birthdays
OPEN Sun May 15 from 12-5
OPEN Mon May 16 from 10-5
CLOSED Tues May 17
OPEN Wed May 18 from 12-5
CLOSED Thurs May 19
Please read the ENTIRE “your visit” page at our website which explains how to schedule a farm visit, details our admission and parking and lists food you can bring to feed the animals.
Then TEXT Farmer Mary at 919-244-1800 to let her know how many will be arriving at what time.Be sure to check open dates first!
Follow the farm fun at winterpast_farm at Instagram. #dateideas #wakeforestfun #wakeforestnc #pettingzoo #winterpastfarm #loveanimals #rescueanimals #visitwinterpastfarm #opentomorrow #babygoats #babylambs #bottlefeeding #collecteggs #farmfun #ncfarm #carsonthebabygoat #getoutside #rainrainstayaway
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Fresh eggs for sale at Winterpast Farm petting zoo in Wake Forest NC. Chicken, duck and starting to have a few quail eggs. ($5/dozen)
Pottery ornaments also for sale. ($5) Handmade by Farmer Mary; the sales help feed all the former pets who now live at Winterpast Farm.
Come visit us soon! You can help look for eggs if you like.
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
CLOSED Friday April 29 for two away events
OPEN Sat April 30 from 1-6 after a morning farm Birthday party
OPEN Sun May 1 from 12-5
CLOSED Mon May 2
CLOSED Tues May 3
OPEN Wed May 4 from 10-5
CLOSED Thurs May 5
OPEN Fri May 6 from 10-5
OPEN Sat May 7 from 10-5
OPEN Sun May 8 from 12-5 all mothers half price admission!
CLOSED Mon May 9
CLOSED Tues May 10
OPEN Wed May 11 from 12-5
OPEN Thurs May 12 from 10-5
CLOSED Fri May 13
CLOSED Sat May 14 for two away birthdays
OPEN Sun May 15 from 12-5
OPEN Mon May 16 from 10-5
CLOSED Tues May 17
OPEN Wed May 18 from 12-5
CLOSED Thurs May 19
Please read the ENTIRE “your visit” page at our website which explains how to schedule a farm visit, details our admission and parking and lists food you can bring to feed the animals.
Then TEXT Farmer Mary at 919-244-1800 to let her know how many will be arriving at what time.Be sure to check open dates first!
Follow the farm fun at winterpast_farm at Instagram.
#farmfresheggs #farmfun #guineapig #pottery #pettingzoo #winterpastfarm #rentarabbit #clayart #photographinganimals #funoutside #getoutside #wakeforestnc #visitwinterpastfarm #farmermary #peacockfeathersforsale #ncfarm #agritourism #ncartist #naturephotography #lifeouthere #greeneggs #blueeggs #loveguineapigs #turkeyeggs #peacockeggs #emueggs #duckeggs #quaileggs #farmeggsarebest
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Farmer Mary and some of her animals spent a great morning helping with the annual FARM DAY at Harvest Church Preschool in Raleigh. Baby goats PINK and BLUE were walked and fed and brushed.
Lots of guinea pigs, sweet fluffy bunnies, a Silkie breed chicken, and a little brown duckling all enjoyed spending time outdoors today with all ages of preschoolers.
Farmer Mary is happy to bring animals to preschools, schools, churches, VBS, summer camps and more. Just ask!
Come see us at Winterpast Farm petting zoo in Wake Forest NC soon.
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
CLOSED Friday April 29 for two away events
OPEN Sat April 30 from 1-6 after a morning farm Birthday party
OPEN Sun May 1 from 12-5
CLOSED Mon May 2
CLOSED Tues May 3
OPEN Wed May 4 from 10-5
CLOSED Thurs May 5
OPEN Fri May 6 from 10-5
OPEN Sat May 7 from 10-5
OPEN Sun May 8 from 12-5 all mothers half price admission!
CLOSED Mon May 9
CLOSED Tues May 10
OPEN Wed May 11 from 12-5
OPEN Thurs May 12 from 10-5
CLOSED Fri May 13
CLOSED Sat May 14 for two away birthdays
OPEN Sun May 15 from 12-5
OPEN Mon May 16 from 10-5
CLOSED Tues May 17
OPEN Wed May 18 from 12-5
CLOSED Thurs May 19
Please read the ENTIRE “your visit” page at our website which explains how to schedule a farm visit, details our admission and parking and lists food you can bring to feed the animals.
Then TEXT Farmer Mary at 919-244-1800 to let her know how many will be arriving at what time.Be sure to check open dates first!
Follow the farm fun at winterpast_farm Instagram.
Learn More Parents are often amazed how long their children will sit holding and brushing and feeding our bunnies and guinea pigs at Winterpast Farm petting zoo in Wake Forest NC. This is PECAN who is one of many former pets donated to Winterpast. Farmer Mary has a pet rental program so you can try a bunny or guinea pig for a week. Read more at Pet Rental at Come visit the farm soon! Winterpast Farm Schedule: CLOSED Fri April 29 for two away events OPEN Sat April 30 from 1-6 after a morning farm Birthday party OPEN Sun May 1 from 12-5 CLOSED Mon May 2 CLOSED Tues May 3 OPEN Wed May 4 from 10-5 CLOSED Thurs May 5 OPEN Fri May 6 from 10-5 OPEN Sat May 7 from 10-5 OPEN Sun May 8 from 12-5 all mothers half price admission! CLOSED Mon May 9 CLOSED Tues May 10 OPEN Wed May 11 from 12-5 OPEN Thurs May 12 from 10-5 CLOSED Fri May 13 CLOSED Sat May 14 for two away birthdays OPEN Sun May 15 from 12-5 OPEN Mon May 16 from 10-5 CLOSED Tues May 17 OPEN Wed May 18 from 12-5 CLOSED Thurs May 19 Please read the ENTIRE “your visit” page at our website which explains how to schedule a farm visit, details our admission and parking and lists food you can bring to feed the animals. Then TEXT Farmer Mary at 919-244-1800 to let her know how many will be arriving at what time.Be sure to check open dates first! Follow the farm fun at winterpast_farm at Instagram.#farmfun #guineapig #formerpet #pettingzoo #winterpastfarm #rentarabbit #photographinganimals #funoutside #getoutside #wakeforestnc #visitwinterpastfarm #farmermary #peacockfeathersforsale #ncfarm #agritourism
#sitstill #naturephotography #lifeouthere #baseballcap #guineapigsofinstagram #loveguineapigs
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