Farmer Mary of Winterpast Farm petting zoo in Wake Forest NC is shown here modeling the very latest in fashion-living shoulder pads.
These Japanese Fantail Bantam chicks were donated by a breeder who had too many. Visit Winterpast Farm and meet these chicks as well as full
size of the same breed. The larger ones will eat cereal and crackers, kale and soft apple slices from your hand. Thank you for supporting a small local farm family. Read all about visiting and how to arrange a farm tour at “your visit” at our website Winterpast Farm Schedule: CLOSED Tues Aug 30 OPEN Wed Aug 31 from 10-5 CLOSED Thurs Sept 1 CLOSED Fri Sept 2 OPEN Sat Sept 3 from 10-5 OPEN Sun Sept 4 from 1-5 (update) CLOSED Mon Sept 5 CLOSED Tues Sept 6 OPEN Wed Sept 7 from 10-5 OPEN Thurs Sept 8 from 10-5 CLOSED Fri Sept 9 OPEN Sat Sept 10 from 10-5 CLOSED Sun Sept 11 OPEN Mon Sept 12 from 10-5 Please read “your visit” at to learn how to schedule your farm visit and what food you can bring to feed the animals. Thank You for supporting a small local farm. Follow the farm fun at winterpast_farm on Instagram. #japanesefantail #babychicks #chickens #fancychickens #bantam #farmermary #winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #smallfarm #farmfun #farmher #visitwinterpastfarm #openwednesday
Learn MoreThis is Farmer Mary’s daughter with NOAH who vacations at Winterpast. Elizabeth is also available to take care of your pets at your home and can spend the day/night at your home.
These are the Winterpast Farm dogs, CHARLIE, BARNEY and MAX.
Did you know dogs can overnight at Wintetpast? Read more at Dog Vacations at the website.
Thank you for supporting a small local farm family. Read all about visiting and how to arrange a farm tour at “your visit” at our website
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
CLOSED Mon Aug 29
CLOSED Tues Aug 30
OPEN Wed Aug 31 from 10-5
CLOSED Thurs Sept 1
CLOSED Fri Sept 2
OPEN Sat Sept 3 from 10-5
OPEN Sun Sept 4 from 1-5 (update)
CLOSED Mon Sept 5
CLOSED Tues Sept 6
OPEN Wed Sept 7 from 10-5
OPEN Thurs Sept 8 from 10-5
CLOSED Fri Sept 9
OPEN Sat Sept 10 from 10-5
CLOSED Sun Sept 11
OPEN Mon Sept 12 from 10-5
Please read “your visit” at to learn how to schedule your farm visit and what food you can bring to feed the animals.
Thank You for supporting a small local farm. Follow the farm fun at winterpast_farm on Instagram.
Look hard and you will see a beautiful dragonfly on the left front of this pot. The Water Hyacinth bloomed beautifully early this morning. Farmer Mary was out at the pond putting a new filter on the waterfall pump to try to get some of the green algae out of the water. She saw one on You Tube using a metal mesh trash can and quilt batting and that
is what she is trying.
Farmer Mary’s talented son, Thomas, took this dragonfly shot out at the pond with his good camera.
Thank you for supporting a small local farm family. Read all about visiting and how to arrange a farm tour at “your visit” at our website
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
CLOSED Mon Aug 29
CLOSED Tues Aug 30
OPEN Wed Aug 31 from 10-5
CLOSED Thurs Sept 1
CLOSED Fri Sept 2
OPEN Sat Sept 3 from 10-5
OPEN Sun Sept 4 from 12-5
CLOSED Mon Sept 5
CLOSED Tues Sept 6
OPEN Wed Sept 7 from 10-5
OPEN Thurs Sept 8 from 10-5
CLOSED Fri Sept 9
OPEN Sat Sept 10 from 10-5
CLOSED Sun Sept 11
OPEN Mon Sept 12 from 10-5
Please read “your visit” at to learn how to schedule your farm visit and what food you can bring to feed the animals.
Thank You for supporting a small local farm. Follow the farm fun at winterpast_farm on Instagram.
Goats FRANCES and CATY and PRIMROSE just had an interview for a possible photo shoot cialis online rx next month. Did you know you can rent a bunny, a guinea pig, a hedgehog, reviews of viagra baby chicks, baby duckings (when available), a baby goat and more from Winterpast Farm petting zoo in Wake Forest NC? Read more at Pet Rental at our website
Thank you for supporting a small local farm family. Read all about visiting and how to arrange a farm tour at “your visit” at our website
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
CLOSED Mon Aug 29
CLOSED Tues Aug 30
OPEN Wed Aug 31 from 10-5
CLOSED Thurs Sept 1
CLOSED Fri Sept 2
OPEN Sat Sept 3 from 10-5
OPEN Sun Sept 4 from 12-5
CLOSED Mon Sept 5
CLOSED Tues Sept 6
OPEN Wed Sept 7 from 10-5
OPEN Thurs Sept 8 from 10-5
Sept 9
OPEN Sat Sept 10 from 10-5
CLOSED Sun Sept 11
OPEN Mon Sept 12 from 10-5 singapore clinic viagra
Please read “your visit” at to learn how to schedule your farm visit and what food you can bring to feed the animals.
Thank You for supporting a small local farm. Follow the farm una pastilla de viagra cuanto dura fun at winterpast_farm on Instagram.
Closeup of Little BOB the tiny bantam rooster who usually greets farm visitors in the parking lot at Winterpast Farm petting zoo in Wake Forest NC. BOB now has two tiny daughters by his tiny wife who are equally as social and love to fly up onto laps, especially while a visitor is sitting snuggling a bunny or guinea pig, and beg for treats. They all love to eat kale, soft apple slices, cereal, grapes and crackers.
Come meet BOB and his sweet daughters soon at Winterpast Farm.
Thank you for supporting a small local farm family. Read all about visiting and how to arrange a farm tour at “your visit” at our website
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
CLOSED Mon Aug 29
CLOSED Tues Aug 30
OPEN Wed Aug 31 from 10-5
CLOSED Thurs Sept 1
CLOSED Fri Sept 2
OPEN Sat Sept 3 from 10-5
OPEN Sun Sept 4 from 12-5
CLOSED Mon Sept 5
CLOSED Tues Sept 6
OPEN Wed Sept 7 from 10-5
OPEN Thurs Sept 8 from 10-5
CLOSED Fri Sept 9
OPEN Sat Sept 10 from 10-5
CLOSED Sun Sept 11
OPEN Mon Sept 12 from 10-5
Please read “your visit” at to learn how to schedule your farm visit and what food you can bring to feed the animals.
Thank You for supporting a small local farm. Follow the farm fun at winterpast_farm on Instagram.