Some of Farmer Mary’s cucumbers grew too big to eat so she cut them up to feed the birds at Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC. The chickens and ducks love to get to the seeds first but they also like the other parts.  Feel free to donate any of your overgrown or excess garden produce to the animals at Winterpast Farm. At the emd of the season you can gather up vines and foliage and bring that too!  Thank you for supporting a small local farm family.

If you would like to meet all the animals at Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo, PLEASE read the entire “your visit” at which very fully explains parking, our admission price, and lists a wide variety of food you can bring for feeding the animals.

Winterpast Farm Schedule:

OPEN Wed Aug 30 from 10-5

CLOSED Thursday Aug 31

OPEN Friday Sept 1 from 10-6

OPEN Sat Sept 2 from 10-5

OPEN Sunday Sept 3 from 12-5

CLOSED Mon Sept 4

CLOSED Tues Sept 5

OPEN Wed Sept 6 from 10-5

OPEN Thurs Sept 7 from 1-7

(Bring a picnic supper along?)

CLOSED Fri Sept 8

OPEN Sat Sept 9 from 10-6

OPEN Sun Sept 10 from 12-5

CLOSED Mon Sept 11

PLEASE DO NOT drive down our neighbors private road behind the Winterpast barn even if your GPS tells you to!!! Our address is 12936 Ghoston Road and our very well marked entrance is at 12936 Ghoston Road. 
PLEASE look for our LARGE entry sign and enter the parking lot there.

PLEASE “park at a pig” in our small parking lot. Please have exact cash or check to Winterpast Farm to pay the $10 per person admission. Please don’t plan to debate our admission price at the gate.#winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #wakeforestnc #ncfarm #farmfun #funforallages #farmermary #getoutside #plentyofshade #supportsmallfarms #supportsmalllocalbusiness 

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Why not bring a picnic lunch or supper next time you visit Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC? We have plenty of picnic tables in deep shade.
If you would like to meet all the animals at Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo, PLEASE read the entire “your visit” at which very fully explains parking, our admission price, and lists a wide variety of food you can bring for feeding the animals.
Winterpast Farm Schedule:

OPEN Wed Aug 30 from 10-5

CLOSED Thursday Aug 31

OPEN Friday Sept 1 from 10-6

OPEN Sat Sept 2 from 10-5

OPEN Sunday Sept 3 from 12-5

CLOSED Mon Sept 4

CLOSED Tues Sept 5

OPEN Wed Sept 6 from 10-5

OPEN Thurs Sept 7 from 1-7

(Bring a picnic supper along?)

CLOSED Fri Sept 8

OPEN Sat Sept 9 from 10-6

OPEN Sun Sept 10 from 12-5

CLOSED Mon Sept 11
PLEASE DO NOT drive down our neighbors private road behind the Winterpast barn even if your GPS tells you to!!! Our address is 12936 Ghoston Road and our very well marked entrance is at 12936 Ghoston Road. 

PLEASE look for our LARGE entry sign and enter the parking lot there.

PLEASE “park at a pig” in our small parking lot. Please have exact cash or check to Winterpast Farm to pay the $10 per person admission. Please don’t plan to debate our admission price at the gate.#winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #wakeforestnc #ncfarm #farmfun #funforallages #farmermary #getoutside #plentyofshade #supportsmallfarms #supportsmalllocalbusiness #picnic #picniclunch 

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Farm visitors are given the opportunity to pick a hand painted (by Farmer Mary) rock to take and hide for someone else to find. That person can bring the rock back to Winterpast Farm and get one free admission! Hiding rocks helps promote Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC. 

Here are a few of the rocks reported hidden locally! Be sure to text Farmer Mary a photo to post where you hide a rock and if you find one! 919-244-1800.

Cute hedgehog rock hidden today outside the SAS building at NCSU. Hidden by Farmer Mary’s youngest son who is a Freshman in the Business school.

If you would like to meet all the animals at Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo, PLEASE read the entire “your visit” at which very fully explains parking, our admission price, and lists a wide variety of food you can bring for feeding the animals.

Winterpast Farm Schedule:

OPEN Wed Aug 30 from 10-5

CLOSED Thursday Aug 31

OPEN Friday Sept 1 from 10-6

OPEN Sat Sept 2 from 10-5

OPEN Sunday Sept 3 from 12-5

CLOSED Mon Sept 4

CLOSED Tues Sept 5

OPEN Wed Sept 6 from 10-5

OPEN Thurs Sept 7 from 1-7

(Bring a picnic supper along?)

CLOSED Fri Sept 8

OPEN Sat Sept 9 from 10-6

OPEN Sun Sept 10 from 12-5

CLOSED Mon Sept 11

PLEASE DO NOT drive down our neighbors private road behind the Winterpast barn even if your GPS tells you to!!! Our address is 12936 Ghoston Road and our very well marked entrance is at 12936 Ghoston Road. 

PLEASE look for our LARGE entry sign and enter the parking lot there.

PLEASE “park at a pig” in our small parking lot. Please have exact cash or check to Winterpast Farm to pay the $10 per person admission. Please don’t plan to debate our admission price at the gate.#winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #wakeforestnc #ncfarm #farmfun #funforallages #farmermary #getoutside #plentyofshade #supportsmallfarms #supportsmalllocalbusiness #paintedrocks #marketing #opentomorrow #bunny #peacockfeather 

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Here are two of the four adult peacocks living at Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC. The peahen to the left just showed up last year and Farmer Mary thought she was a “Cameo” breed but further research indicates she is a “Black Shoulder” breed. She had a solid white baby (called a peachick) and a baby her same color this Spring. It will be a long time before Farmer Mary knows if they are male or female. She is really hoping the solid white one is a male!

The mature male pictured here has molted his long beautiful tail feathers and Farmer Mary has them for sale this time of year to help pay for feed for all the peacocks. Maybe in a few years she will have beautiful long white tail feathers to sell!

If you would like to meet all the animals at Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo, PLEASE read the entire “your visit” at which very fully explains parking, our admission price, and lists a wide variety of food you can bring for feeding the animals.

Winterpast Farm Schedule:

CLOSED Tuesday Aug 29

OPEN Wed Aug 30 from 10-5

CLOSED Thursday Aug 31

OPEN Friday Sept 1 from 10-6

OPEN Sat Sept 2 from 10-5

OPEN Sunday Sept 3 from 12-5

CLOSED Mon Sept 4

CLOSED Tues Sept 5

OPEN Wed Sept 6 from 10-5

OPEN Thurs Sept 7 from 1-7

(Bring a picnic supper along?)

CLOSED Fri Sept 8

OPEN Sat Sept 9 from 10-6

OPEN Sun Sept 10 from 12-5

CLOSED Mon Sept 11

PLEASE DO NOT drive down our neighbors private road behind the Winterpast barn even if your GPS tells you to!!! Our address is 12936 Ghoston Road and our very well marked entrance is at 12936 Ghoston Road. 
PLEASE look for our LARGE entry sign and enter there.

PLEASE “park at a pig” in our small parking lot. Please have exact cash or check to Winterpast Farm to pay the $10 per person admission. Please don’t plan to debate our admission price at the gate.#winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #wakeforestnc #ncfarm #farmfun #funforallages #farmermary #getoutside #plentyofshade #supportsmallfarms #supportsmalllocalbusiness #peacock #peahen #feathersforsale #openwednesday 

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Farm visitors are given the opportunity to pick a hand painted (by Farmer Mary) rock to take and hide for someone else to find. That person can bring the rock back to Winterpast Farm and get one free admission! Hiding rocks helps promote Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC. Here are just a few of Farmer Mary’s latest rock designs.  Do you like the turtles or bunnies or hedgehogs best?  Farmer Mary hopes to hear soon that someone has found one of the rocks! Be sure to text Farmer Mary where you hide a rock and if you find one! 919-244-1800.

If you would like to meet all the animals at Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo, PLEASE read the entire “your visit” at which very fully explains parking, our admission price, and lists a wide variety of food you can bring for feeding the animals.

Winterpast Farm Schedule:

CLOSED Monday Aug 28

CLOSED Tuesday Aug 29

OPEN Wed Aug 30 from 10-5

CLOSED Thursday Aug 31

OPEN Friday Sept 1 from 10-6

OPEN Sat Sept 2 from 10-5

OPEN Sunday Sept 3 from 12-5

CLOSED Mon Sept 4

CLOSED Tues Sept 5

OPEN Wed Sept 6 from 10-5

OPEN Thurs Sept 7 from 1-7

(Bring a picnic supper along?)

CLOSED Fri Sept 8

OPEN Sat Sept 9 from 10-6

OPEN Sun Sept 10 from 12-5

CLOSED Mon Sept 11

PLEASE DO NOT drive down our neighbors private road behind the Winterpast barn even if your GPS tells you to!!! Our address is 12936 Ghoston Road and our very well marked entrance is at 12936 Ghoston Road. 

PLEASE look for our LARGE entry sign and enter the parking lot there.

PLEASE “park at a pig” in our small parking lot. Please have exact cash or check to Winterpast Farm to pay the $10 per person admission. Please don’t plan to debate our admission price at the gate.

Learn More