Pregnant goat update from Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC! Text your guess which mama goat will give birth first AND how many babies she will have and if you are correct with both YOU could win a free family farm visit!
Most goats have 1 or 2 babies but Farmer Mary has had a goat with triplets twice and quadruplets once. The goats won’t start to have babies til late March at the very earliest.
Farmer Mary will keep posting updated baby bump and udder pics. You can change your guess at any time. Farmer Mary is making her own guesses about the babies too!
Did you know that baby goats are called “kids”? We are looking forward to all the new kids here at Winterpast Farm!
Farmer Mary is setting up separate maternity pens for each new family to spend a few weeks together getting settled. She will need volunteer baby goat snugglers in the next months. Is that volunteer work YOU might enjoy??
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
CLOSED Tues Feb 27
CLOSED Wed Feb 28
OPEN Thurs March 1 from 10-5
OPEN Fri March 2 from 10-5 (Dr. Seuss Birthday event!)
OPEN Sat March 3 from 10-5
CLOSED Sun March 4
Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo has an Amazon Wish List if you want to help Farmer Mary feed all the animals. Timothy hay and baby lamb milk replacer are currently the most needed items.
If you would like to visit Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo please read “your visit” at which fully explains how to schedule your visit, how to not turn down Farmer Mary’s neighbors private road(!), how to “park at a pig” and lists food to bring to feed the animals. Thank you for supporting a small local farm family.
#winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #wakeforest #babybump #guesswhichgoat #frances #betsy #marthawhite #primrose #buttercup #ncfarm #supportlocalfarms #farmermary #farmher #womenwhofarm #ncag #pregnant #goat #goats #goatsofinstagram #newkidscomingsoon #supportlocalfarmers
Learn MoreFollow Farmer Mary’s NC Artist friend Amy Fetzer @ab.fetzerart as she paints some of the animals and the old tobacco barn at Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC.
In this recent duck painting Amy found painting the burlap bag texture “a good challenge.” That’s a coffee bean bag donated by @larryscoffee in Raleigh.
Farmer Mary uses the empty coffee bean bags to insulate bunny, guinea pig and baby chick pens in the winter and for shade for the animals in the summer.
We even have a bunny named LATTE LARRY! Come meet him soon. And when you next visit Larry’s Coffee in Raleigh be sure to tell them you met “Little Larry” the sweet Lionhead bunny at Winterpast Farm!
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
CLOSED Tues Feb 27
CLOSED Wed Feb 28
OPEN Thurs March 1 from 10-5 (will close of raining so check back)
OPEN Fri March 2 from 10-5 (Dr. Seuss Birthday event!)
OPEN Sat March 3 from 10-5
CLOSED Sun March 4
Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo has an Amazon Wish List if you want to help Farmer Mary feed all the animals. Timothy hay and baby lamb milk replacer are currently the most needed items.
If you would like to visit Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo please read “your visit” at which fully explains how to schedule your visit, how to not turn down Farmer Mary’s neighbors private road(!), how to “park at a pig” and lists food to bring to feed the animals.
Thank you for supporting a small local farm family. #winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #wakeforest #amyfetzer #ducks #ducksofinstagram #paintinganimals #duckpainting #burlap #larryscoffee #ncfarm #farmermary #farmher #womenwhofarm #supportlocalfarmers #ncartist #makeartdaily #followamy #thankslarry
Learn MoreSome of the bigger animals at Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC.
How many of you know their names? Farmer Mary sees goats MARTHA WHITE, FRANCES, THOMAS, BUTTERCUP and PRIMROSE. Only BETSY is missing.
Farmer Mary also sees DAISY the polka dotted pig. And, all the big sheep are here: from left, VALENTINE, CINDY LOU, CHARLIE BROWN, GERMANY and EMMA.
We will have baby lambs and baby goats (called “kids”) starting to be born in about month. Farmer Mary is setting up individual maternity pens for the new families.farmer Mary will need lots of volunteer baby goat and baby lamb snugglers! Do you think that is volunteer work YOU would enjoy?
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
OPEN Sunday Feb 25 from 12-5
OPEN Mon Feb 26 from 10-5 (will close if raining)
CLOSED Tues Feb 27
CLOSED Wed Feb 28
OPEN Thurs March 1 from 10-5
OPEN Fri March 2 from 10-5 (Dr. Seuss Birthday event!)
OPEN Sat March 3 from 10-5
CLOSED Sun March 4
Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo has an Amazon Wish List if you want to help Farmer Mary feed all the animals. Timothy hay and baby lamb milk replacer are currently the most needed items.
If you would like to visit Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo please read “your visit” at which fully explains how to schedule your visit, how to not turn down Farmer Mary’s neighbors private road(!), how to “park at a pig” and lists food to bring to feed the animals.
Thank you for supporting a small local farm family. #winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #wakeforest #chickens #pig #pigsofinstagram #goats #goatsofinstagram #sheep #sheepofinstagram #ncfarm #farmermary #farmher #womenwhofarm #ncag #pets #petsofinstagram #polkadottedpig #microminipig #teacuppig #pigsgrowandgrowandgrow #lamanchagoat #dwarfnigeriangoat #shetlandsheep
Learn MoreGRAY EARS and PEARL hope you will come to the Friday March 2nd Dr. Seuss Birthday event at Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC.
Farmer Mary will be reading aloud from Green Eggs And Ham and a huge green emu egg will be available for holding. Visitors are also welcome to have a sweet bunny in their lap during story time!
Farmer Mary takes in unwanted pet bunnies then rents them out to help people realize they don’t need to own a pet bunny. “Too much poop” is the most frequent remark after a rental. #rentdontshop
Help Farmer Mary recycle existing pets by spreading the word about Pet Rental! Read more at
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
CLOSED Fri Feb 23
OPEN Sat Feb 24 from 10-5
OPEN Sun Feb 25 from 12-5
OPEN Mon Feb 26 from 10-5
CLOSED Tues Feb 27
CLOSED Wed Feb 28
OPEN Thurs March 1 from 10-5
OPEN Fri March 2 from 10-5 (Dr. Seuss Birthday event!)
OPEN Sat March 3 from 10-5
CLOSED Sun March 4
Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo has an Amazon Wish List if you want to help Farmer Mary feed all the animals. Timothy hay and baby lamb milk replacer are currently the most needed items.
If you would like to visit Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo please read “your visit” at which fully explains how to schedule your visit, how to not turn down Farmer Mary’s neighbors private road(!), how to “park at a pig” and lists food to bring to feed the animals. Thank you for supporting a small local farm family. #winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #wakeforest #drseuss #babybunnies #minilop #facebookevent #storytime #bunniesofinstagram #babybunnies #minilopbunny #farmfun #ncfarm #supportlocalfarmers #greeneggsandham #drseussbirthday #readwithabunny #rentarabbit #petrental #recycleexistingpets #farmermary
Learn MoreWinterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC is a great place to take Easter photos! SPRINKLES the baby lop ear bunny enjoyed helping local photographer Kathleen Nolis @kathleennolisphotography with a recent Easter mini session. Did you know you can rent a bunny from Winterpast Farm to use for Easter photos at home or in a studio away from the farm? Read more at Pet Rental at
Winterpast Farm is open for farm visits today from10 til rain
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
OPEN Sat Feb 17 from 10-5 (rain rain stay away!)
OPEN Sun Feb 18 from 12-5
OPEN Mon Feb 19 from 10-5
CLOSED Tues Feb 20
CLOSED Wed Feb 21
OPEN Thurs Feb 22 from 12:30-5 after a morning field trip
CLOSED Fri Feb 23
OPEN Sat Feb 24 from 10-5
OPEN Sun Feb 25 from 12-5
OPEN Mon Feb 26 from 10-5
CLOSED Tues Feb 27
CLOSED Wed Feb 28
OPEN Thurs March 1 from 10-5
Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo has an Amazon Wish List if you want to help Farmer Mary feed all the animals. Timothy hay and baby lamb milk replacer are currently the most needed items.
If you would like to visit Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo please read “your visit” at which fully explains how to schedule your visit, how to not turn down Farmer Mary’s neighbors private road(!), how to “park at a pig” and lists food to bring to feed the animals. Thank you for supporting a small local farm family. #winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #wakeforest #bunny #babybunny #minilop #wakeforestnc #farmfun #ncfarm #farmher #farmermary #easterphotos #easterphotography #farmanimals #kathleennolisphotography
Learn More