The three Toulouse geese that hatched at a local school and then were donated to Winterpast Farm are getting bigger and at least one is laying eggs now at Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest Nc. Come and meet and feed them. They love plain Cheerios, grapes, romaine lettuce, kale, dry oatmeal, thawed frozen peas and corn and other food treats. They will eat nicely out of your hand and like to be petted.
The zoo will be open for visits today from 9-2. Please read the entire “Your visit” section at Thank YOU for supporting a small local farm family animal rescue.
Please join Farmer Mary in praying for a miracle to keep Winterpast Farm from being sold for development. Farmer Mary’s older sister investor wants her money out NOW and is trying VERY hard to force a quick sale of the entire property. The sister does NOT care at all for the future of all the animals. Do YOU?
It would be tragic to lose one more small Wake County farm, to lose one more historic tobacco barn, to lose one more mature pine forest, to lose one more old farm house dating from the 1730’s .
Where will PEG-LEG the pig who was born with only three feet ever find another forever home? Or the chicken
with the twisted beak? Can any or all the animals move to YOUR house? If not please donate to help save the farm!
If YOU love Winterpast Farm please check out our GoFundMe. Donate if you can. Most importantly, please SHARE with all your friends who love
animals, volunteer and employment opportunities for special needs adults, old tobacco barns, pine forests
and land conservation! Time is running out!!! #savewinterpastfarm
Direct link in Bio.
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
OPEN 9-2 Fri Aug 30
OPEN 10-5 Sat Aug 31
OPEN 12-5 Sun Sept 1
OPEN 10-5 Mon Sept 2
Please read “your visit” at
#winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #wakeforest #farmermary #farmher #funforallages #supportlocalsmallfarms #getoutside #raleighmoms #trianglefamilyfun #feedinganimals #geese #geeseofinstagram #goose #toulousegoose #getoutside #yourlocalzoo
Learn MoreCome meet sweet FRANKLIN the new baby (8 months old) boy pig at Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC! Enjoy petting and feeding him while he is still small. Pigs grow and grow and grow. Then they grow some more for at least four years.
Be sure to ask Farmer Mary to introduce you to sweet DAISY the “mini” pig who is now four. She is ALOT bigger than her former owners were told she would grow. Pigs NEVER stay small!!!
Farmer Mary is offered a pet pig who “grew larger than the breeder said” about once a month. Sometimes once a week! Pigs NEVER stay small!!!
FRANKLIN loves slices of tomatoes, small carrots and apple slices. Please check with Farmer May before feeding him. She can show you how to make him “sit” for food. He needs to accept petting without food or he will grow too demanding.
Please join Farmer Mary in praying for a miracle to keep Winterpast Farm from being sold for development. Farmer Mary’s older sister investor wants her money out NOW and is trying VERY hard to force a quick sale of the entire property. The sister does NOT care at all for the future of all the animals. Do YOU?
It would be tragic to lose one more small Wake County farm, to lose one more historic tobacco barn, to lose one more mature pine forest, to lose one more old farm house dating from the 1730’s .
Where will PEG-LEG the pig who was born with only three feet ever find another forever home? Or the chicken
with the twisted beak? Can any of or all the animals move to YOUR house? If not please donate to help save the farm!
If YOU love Winterpast Farm please check out our GoFundMe. Donate if you can. Most importantly, please SHARE with all your friends who love
animals, volunteer and employment opportunities for special needs adults, old tobacco barns, pine forests
and land conservation! Time is running out!!! #savewinterpastfarm
Direct link in Bio.
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
OPEN 10-5 Mon Aug 26
CLOSED Tues Aug 27
OPEN 2-6 Wed Aug 28
CLOSED Thurs Aug 29
OPEN 9-2 Fri Aug 30
OPEN 10-5 Sat Aug 31
OPEN 12-5 Sun Sept 1
#winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #wakeforest #farmermary #minipig #pig #pigs
Learn MoreCHARLIE BROWN the goat was having a lot of fun on the woodpile way out in the back pasture yesterday at Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC. Farmer Mary heats her old 1730’s home with an outdoor whole house woodstove .
Rain yesterday closed the zoo early and cancelled a bonfire but the sun is finally shining today and hopefully drying things out. The zoo is closed today but will be open tomorrow 10-5. Please read the the entire “Your visit” section at
Please join Farmer Mary in praying for a miracle to keep Winterpast Farm from being sold for development. Farmer Mary’s older sister investor wants her money out NOW and is trying VERY hard to force a quick sale of the entire property. The sister does NOT care at all for the future of all the animals. Do YOU?
It would be tragic to lose one more small Wake County farm, to lose one more historic tobacco barn, to lose one more mature pine forest, to lose one more old farm house dating from the 1730’s .
Where will PEG-LEG the pig who was born with only three feet ever find another forever home? Or the chicken
with the twisted beak? Can any of the goats or all the animals move to YOUR house? If not please donate to help save the farm!
If YOU love Winterpast Farm please check out our GoFundMe. Donate if you can. Most importantly, please SHARE with all your friends who love
animals, volunteer and employment opportunities for special needs adults, old tobacco barns, pine forests
and land conservation! Time is running out!!! #savewinterpastfarm
Direct link in Bio.
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
CLOSED Sun Aug 25
OPEN 10-5 Mon Aug 26
CLOSED Tues Aug 27
OPEN 2-6 Wed Aug 28
CLOSED Thurs Aug 29
OPEN 9-2 Fri Aug 30
OPEN 10-5 Sat Aug 31
,OPEN 12-5 Sun Sept 1
#winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #wakeforest #farmermary #farmher #ncfarm #goat #goats #goatsofinstagram #farmanimal #woodpile #kingofthemountain #charliebrown #lookatme #savethezoo #thatsenoughrain
Learn MoreEgg gathering was fun today at Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC!! The geese have just started laying;Farmer Mary knows she has at least one female! The ducks are laying more-great news for bakers who love duck eggs with their higher white to yolk ratio. The Button Quail are laying too-teeny tiny eggs so Farmer Mary counts them two for one! Eggs are $5/dozen which helps Farmer Mary continue to care for and feed all the animals at Winterpast Farm.
Please join Farmer Mary in praying for a miracle to keep Winterpast Farm from being sold for development. Farmer Mary’s older sister investor wants her money out NOW and is trying VERY hard to force a quick sale of the entire property. The sister does NOT care at all for the future of all the animals. Do YOU?
It would be tragic to lose one more small Wake County farm, to lose one more historic tobacco barn, to lose one more mature pine forest, to lose one more old farm house dating from the 1730’s .
Where will PEG-LEG the pig who was born with only three feet ever find another forever home? Or the chicken
with the twisted beak? Can any of the peacocks or all the animals move to YOUR house? If not please donate to help save the farm!
If YOU love Winterpast Farm please check out our GoFundMe. Donate if you can. Most importantly, please SHARE with all your friends who love
animals, volunteer and employment opportunities for special needs adults, old tobacco barns, pine forests
and land conservation! Time is running out!!! #savewinterpastfarm
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
CLOSED Sun Aug 25
OPEN 10-5 Mon Aug 26
CLOSED Tues Aug 27
OPEN 2-6 Wed Aug 28
CLOSED Thurs Aug 29
OPEN 9-2 Fri Aug 30
OPEN 10-5 Sat Aug 31
,OPEN 12-5 Sun Sept 1
#winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #wakeforest #farmermary #farmher #ncfarm #supportlocalsmallfarms #eggs #fresheggs #forsale #quaileggs #gooseeggs #duckeggs #chickeneggs #savethezoo
Learn MoreWinterpast Farm Petting Zoo closed early today for rain and thunder. Farmer Mary hopes to be open tomorrow from 10-5 for Pig Selfie Day! Please read “your visit” at
Thank you for supporting a small local farm family animal rescue.
Please join Farmer Mary in praying for a miracle to keep Winterpast Farm from being sold for development. Farmer Mary’s older sister investor wants her money out NOW and is trying VERY hard to force a quick sale of the entire property. The sister does NOT care at all for the future of all the animals. Do YOU?
It would be tragic to lose one more small Wake County farm, to lose one more historic tobacco barn, to lose one more mature pine forest, to lose one more old farm house dating from the 1730’s .
Where will PEG-LEG the pig who was born with only three feet ever find another forever home? Or the chicken
with the twisted beak? Can any or all the animals move to YOUR house? If not please donate to help save the farm!
If YOU love Winterpast Farm please check out our GoFundMe. Donate if you can. Most importantly, please SHARE with all your friends who love
animals, volunteer and employment opportunities for special needs adults, old tobacco barns, pine forests
and land conservation! Time is running out!!! #savewinterpastfarm
Direct link in Bio.
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
OPEN 10-5 Sat Aug 17pig selfie day
OPEN 12-5 Sun Aug 18
OPEN 10-5 Mon Aug 19
CLOSED Tues Aug 20
OPEN 10-5 Wed Aug 21
CLOSED Thurs/Fri
OPEN 10-5 Sat Aug 24
CLOSED Sun Aug 25
OPEN 10-5 Mon Aug 26
Please read “your visit” at
#winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #supportlocalsmallfarmers #ncag #ncfarm #farmfun #feedinganimals #oatmeal #opentoday #opentomorrow #yourlocalzoo #savethezoo #wakeforestnc #raleighmoms #trianglefamilyfun #getoutdoors #duck #ducks #ducksofinstagram #pekinduck #quackers #hugaduck #volunteeratwinterpast
Learn More