Water Hyacinth in full bloom

🐢Water Hyacinth is in full bloom today out at the pond at Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC. Have you seen the pond that Farmer Mary has upcycled out of her old inground pool? It is now home to many former pet turtles and fish.

🦆Farm Visits are by appointment only. Open dates and hours are always posted in advance at blog posts  www.winterpast.org and at daily posts at Winterpast Farm on FaceBook and winterpast_farm on Instagram.

🦃Thank you for supporting a small local farm family animal rescue. 

🐐Winterpast Farm Schedule:

Wed  Aug 26 OPEN 10-5

Thurs Aug 27 CLOSED

Fri Aug 28 OPEN  10-5

Sat Aug 29 OPEN 10-5

Sun Aug 30 OPEN 12-5


Wed Sept 2 OPEN 10-5

Thurs Sept 3 CLOSED

Fri Sept 4 OPEN 10-5

Sat Sept 5 OPEN 10-5

Sun Sept 6 OPEN 12-5

Mon Sept 7 OPEN 10-5

🦔Read “Your Visit” at www.winterpast.org to learn how you can schedule a visit.

🐢Please look for the VERY well marked entrance at 12936 Ghoston Road and please do NOT turn down Farmer Mary’s neighbors private Road behind the old tobacco barn when your GPS says to. 

🐷Please park at a pig 🐷

🌈Admission is $10 cash only. Cash only. Tiny babies and adopted young children are free. Please have exact change. 

🍏🍐🍊🍉🍌🍇🍓🥒🥦🌽There is a long list of food that you can bring to feed the animals at “Your Visit” at www.winterpast.org or you can buy a $5 mixed bucket.

🎭Masks are optional here as you will be totally outdoors, but please plan to take social distancing seriously while at the farm.

🐣Make Winterpast Farm part of YOUR  home schooling learning adventure!

 #pettingzoo #wakeforestnc #farmermary #farmher #ncfarm #comevisit #ncag #farmlife #farmermary #farmher

#raleighmoms #wakeforestfamilyfun #trianglefamilyfun #feedinganimals  #getoutside #outdoors #funforallages #animalsofinstagram  #supportlocalsmallfarms #opentoday #waterhyacinth #pooltopond #aquaticplants

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🐓Why not HOST-A-HEN or RENT-A-ROO from Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC?! Tiny beautiful Japanese Fantail bantam chickens are the perfect size for home schooled students or others staying home. 

🐓Enjoy their company both indoors or out.  Hosting a hen/roo supplies include the cage, bedding, food and more. This little hen is being hosted this week and is enjoying time indoors and in the garden. These little chickens don’t dig up the yard like bigger hens. The hosting program helps  Farmer Mary continue to care for and to feed all the animals, including a lot of former pet chickens, now living at Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC. 

🐓YOU can read more at the “Pet Hosting” section at www.winterpast.org.

🐐The farm will be open next for visits from 10-5 on Wednesday (if not raining)🌧🤞🌞

🐐Please read the “Your Visit” section at www.winterpast.org to learn how you can schedule a farm visit. 

🐏Visits are by appointment only. Open dates and hours are always posted in advance at blog posts at www.winterpast.org and at daily posts at Winterpast Farm on FaceBook and winterpast_farm on Instagram.

❤️Thank you for supporting a small local farm family animal rescue.

🦃Winterpast Farm Schedule:


Wed Aug 19 OPEN 10-5


Fri Aug 21 OPEN 10-6

Sat Aug 22 OPEN 10-5

Sun Aug 23 OPEN 12-5


Wed  Aug 26 OPEN 10-5

Thurs Aug 27 CLOSED

Fri Aug 28 OPEN  10-5

Sat Aug 29 OPEN 10-5

Sun Aug 30 OPEN 12-5

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Turtles & Fish!

🐢Farmer Mary has enjoyed turning her inground pool into a pond that many former pet  turtles and fish now call home at Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC. 

🐢The farm will be open again for visits from 10-5 on Wednesday (if not raining). 

🐇Please read “Your Visit” at www.winterpast.org to learn how you can schedule a farm visit. Please do what it says and don’t just show up or text Farmer Mary asking “Are you open”?

❤️Thank you for supporting a small local farm family animal rescue.

🐏Winterpast Farm Schedule:

Tues Aug 11 CLOSED

Wed Aug 12 OPEN 10-5

Thurs Aug 13 CLOSED

Fri Aug 14 OPEN 10-5

Sat Aug 15 OPEN 10-5

Sun Aug 16 OPEN 12-5


Wed Aug 19 OPEN 10-5


Fri Aug 21 OPEN 10-6

Sat Aug 22 OPEN 10-5

Sun Aug 23 OPEN 12-5

🐑Read “Your Visit” at www.winterpast.org to learn how you can schedule a visit.

🐖Please look for the VERY well marked entrance at 12936 Ghoston Road and please do NOT turn down Farmer Mary’s neighbors private Road behind the old tobacco barn when your GPS says to. 

🐷Please park at a pig 🐷

🌈Admission is $10 cash only. Cash only. Cash only. Tiny babies and adopted young children are free. Please have exact change. Please have exact change.

🍏🍐🍊🍉🍌🍇🍓🥒🥦🌽There is a long list of food that you can bring to feed the animals at “Your Visit” at www.winterpast.org or you can buy a $5 mixed bucket.

🎭Masks are optional here as you will be totally outdoors, but please plan to take social distancing seriously while at the farm and keep your group close together the entire time you are at the farm.

🍉🍉Follow the farm fun at winterpastfarm on TIKTOK.

#winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #ncfarm #wakeforestnc #funforallages #raleighmoms #wakeforestfamilyfun  #farmermary #ncsummer #plentyofshadehere #comevisit #volunteerhere #getoutdoors  #animalsofinstagram #pond #pooltopond #waterfall #pondlife #bananaplant #calming #workinprogress

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Tongue Out Tuesday!

Sweet Max is celebrating Tongue Out Tuesday with his very best girl at Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC.   Farmer Mary found Max in the middle of the road years ago and when his original humans were located they suggested that Farmer Mary just keep the dog.  The Farmers Daughter had already fallen in love so it was a match made in heaven. MAX is very happy that his best girl is all finished with going away to college and loves to snuggle with her day and night. 

☀️Farmer Mary hopes to have the farm open for visits tomorrow at 10 but rain may come in the afternoon. Check back for weather updates. Please read “Your Visit” at www.winterpast.org.

❤️Thank you for supporting a small local farm family animal rescue.

🐑Winterpast Farm Schedule:

Wed Aug 5 OPEN 10-5 (if no rain-check for updates)

CLOSED Thurs Aug 6

Fri Aug 7 OPEN 10-5

Sat Aug 8 OPEN 10-5

Sun Aug 9 CLOSED

Mon Aug 10 CLOSED

Tues Aug 11 CLOSED

Wed Aug 12 OPEN 10-5

Thurs Aug 13 CLOSED

Fri Aug 14 OPEN 10-5

Sat Aug 15 OPEN 10-5

Sun Aug 16 OPEN 12-5

🐑Read “Your Visit” at www.winterpast.org to learn how you can schedule a visit.

🐏Please look for the VERY well marked entrance at 12936 Ghoston Road and please do NOT turn down Farmer Mary’s neighbors private Road behind the old tobacco barn when your GPS says to. 

🐷Please park at a pig 🐷

🌈Admission is $10 cash only. Cash only. Cash only. Tiny babies and adopted young children are free. Please have exact change. Please have exact change.

🍏🍐🍊🍉🍌🍇🍓🥒🥦🌽There is a list of food that you can bring to feed the animals at “Your Visit” at www.winterpast.org or you can buy a $5 mixed bucket.

🎭Masks are optional here as you will be totally outdoors, but please plan to take social distancing seriously while at the farm and keep your group close together the entire time you are at the farm.

🐏Follow the farm fun at winterpastfarm on TIKTOK.

#winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #ncfarm #wakeforestnc #funforallages #raleighmoms #wakeforestfamilyfun  #farmermary #ncsummer #plentyofshadehere #comevisit #volunteerhere #getoutdoors  #animalsofinstagram 

#tongueouttuesday #farmersdaughter #max #dog #lovedogs #loveolddogs

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