Baby goat siblings VALENTINE and brother PRINCE HARRY entertained farm visitors all day long today and then they “helped” with a back pasture photo shoot this evening at Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC. Have YOU met these cuties yet?
🦚Winterpast Farm will be OPEN SUNDAY from 12-5 for visits. By appointment ONLY. ❤️Thank you for supporting a small local family farm animal rescue.
🐐🐐Come snuggle the baby goats! Throw balls for HENRY🎾Will LUNA🐐 have her babies?? ! Lambs have started arriving! 🐑🐇Make some great memories at Winterpast Farm.🐖🐓🦆
🐰Please read the entire “Your Visit” section at www.winterpast.org to learn how you can schedule a farm visit, our admission price and a list of food you can bring to feed the animals. 🥬🍉🍎🫐🍓🍇🍉
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
Sun Mar 14 OPEN 12-5 (pasture walk 2&4)
Wed Mar 17 OPEN 10-5 (pasture walk 12&2)
Thurs Mar 18 СLOSED
Fri Mar 19 OPEN 10-5 (pasture walk 12&2)
Sat Mar 20 OPEN 10-5 (pasture walk 12&2)
Sun Mar 21 OPEN 12-5 (pasture walk 2&4)
Wed Mar24 OPEN 10-5 (pasture walk 12&2)
Fri Mar 26 OPEN 10-5 (pasture walk 12&2)
Sat Mar 27 OPEN 10-5 (pasture walk 12&2)
Sun Mar 28 OPEN 12-5 (pasture walk 2&4)
Wed Mar 31 OPEN 10-5 (pasture walk 12&2)

winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #ncfarm #wakeforestnc #comevisit #eggsforsale #buylocal #supportlocalsmallfarms #trianglefamilyfun #raleighmoms #durhamfamily #volunteeratwinterpast #funforallages #blacklivesmatterhere #babygoats #kids #siblings #goatsofinstagram #babyfarmanimals

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Good morning from sweet “DUST BUNNY” who loves being brushed and fed in farm visitors laps at Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC.
🦃Winterpast Farm will be OPEN TODAY from 10-5 for visits. By appointment ONLY.
❤️Thank you for supporting a small local family farm animal rescue.
🐐🐐Come snuggle the baby goats! Throw balls for HENRY🎾Will LUNA🐐 have her babies?? ! Lambs have started arriving! 🐑🐑Make some great memories at Winterpast Farm.🦚🐢🦃
🐰Please read the entire “Your Visit” section at www.winterpast.org to learn how you can schedule a farm visit, our admission price and a list of food you can bring to feed the animals. 🥬🍉🍎🫐🍓🍇🍉
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
Sat Mar 13 OPEN 10-5
Sun Mar 14 OPEN 12-5
Wed Mar 17☘️OPEN 10-5☘️Wear Green!
Thurs Mar 18 СLOSED
Fri Mar 19 OPEN 10-5
Sat Mar 20 OPEN 10-5
Sun Mar 21 OPEN 12-5

winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #ncfarm #wakeforestnc #comevisit #eggsforsale #buylocal #supportlocalsmallfarms #trianglefamilyfun #raleighmoms #durhamfamily #volunteeratwinterpast #funforallages #blacklivesmatterhere #feedinganimals #familyfun #getoutdoors #dustbunny #lionhead #bunny #fluffy #bunniesofinstagram

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❤️🌻🐑A baby girl for SUNFLOWER just now at Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC! Farmer Mary has moved the new family to a maternity pen and is waiting to see of more lambs will arrive. SUNFLOWERS mom, EMMA, and best friend, GRACIE, will probably give birth within a day or two.❤️🐑❤️🐏❤️ Bring SUNFLOWER some food treats to help her make plenty of milk!
🦃Winterpast Farm will be OPEN 10-5 on Friday for visits. By appointment ONLY. ❤️Thank you for supporting a small local family farm animal rescue.
🐐🐐Come snuggle the baby goats! Throw balls for HENRY🎾Will LUNA🐐 have her babies?? Lambing has begun!!!🐑🐏 Make some great memories at Winterpast Farm.
🐰Please read the entire “Your Visit” section at www.winterpast.org to learn how you can schedule a farm visit, our admission price and a list of food you can bring to feed the animals. 🥬🍉🍎🫐🍓🍇🍉
🥚The Farmers Daughter will be taking farm visitors on pasture walks with the emu, sheep, donkey and pigs at exactly 12&2 on posted open days (2&4 on Sundays)
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
Thurs Mar 11 CLOSED
Fri Mar 12 OPEN 10-5 (back pasture walk 12&2)
Sat Mar 13 OPEN 10-5 (back pasture walk 12&2)
Sun Mar 14 OPEN 12-5 (back pasture walk 2&4)
Wed Mar 17☘️OPEN 10-5☘️Wear Green! (back pasture walk 12&2)
Thurs Mar 18 СLOSED
Fri Mar 19 OPEN 10-5
Sat Mar 20 OPEN 10-5
Sun Mar 21 OPEN 12-5

winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #ncfarm #wakeforestnc #comevisit #eggsforsale #buylocal #supportlocalsmallfarms #trianglefamilyfun #raleighmoms #durhamfamily #volunteeratwinterpast #funforallages #blacklivesmatterhere #feedinganimals #familyfun #getoutdoors #shetlandsheep #sunflower #lamb #goodmom #farmersdaughter #sheep #newborn #welcome

Settled in their maternity pen.
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“Thank you for a fun afternoon!”

Farmer Mary always appreciates when happy farm visitors send her pics like these after they visit Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC.
🦃Winterpast Farm will be OPEN again on Friday for visits from 10-5. By appointment ONLY.
🐐🐐Come snuggle the baby goats! Throw balls for HENRY🎾Will LUNA🐐 have her babies?? ! Lambs will be arriving next! 🐑🦚Make some great memories at Winterpast Farm.
🐰Please read the entire “Your Visit” section at www.winterpast.org to learn how you can schedule a farm visit, our admission price and a list of food you can bring to feed the animals. 🥬🍉🍎🫐🍓🍇🍉
🥚The Farmers Daughter will be taking farm visitors on pasture walks with the emu, sheep, donkey and pigs at exactly 12&2 on posted open days (2&4 on Sundays)
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
Thurs Mar 11 CLOSED
Fri Mar 12 OPEN 10-5 (back pasture walk 12&2)
Sat Mar 13 OPEN 10-5 (back pasture walk 12&2)
Sun Mar 14 OPEN 12-5 (back pasture walk 2&4)
Wed Mar 17☘️OPEN 10-5☘️Wear Green! (back pasture walk 12&2)
Thurs Mar 18 СLOSED
Fri Mar 19 OPEN 10-5
Sat Mar 20 OPEN 10-5
Sun Mar 21 OPEN 12-5

winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #ncfarm #wakeforestnc #comevisit #eggsforsale #buylocal #supportlocalsmallfarms #trianglefamilyfun #raleighmoms #durhamfamily #volunteeratwinterpast #funforallages #blacklivesmatterhere #feedinganimals #getoutside #babygoats #familyfun #getoutdoors #prettyinpink #ducks #farmfun #getoutside

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🦃THOMAS and TURKEY LURKEY love to parade at Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC. It will soon be the season of turkey love ♥️and maybe we will have some babies (called “poults”) this year!
🦃Winterpast Farm will be OPEN TODAY for visits from 10-5. By appointment ONLY.
🐐🐐Come snuggle the baby goats! Throw balls for HENRY🎾Will LUNA🐐 have her babies?? ! Lambs will be arriving next! 🐑🦚Make some great memories at Winterpast Farm.
🐰Please read the entire “Your Visit” section at www.winterpast.org to learn how you can schedule a farm visit, our admission price and a list of food you can bring to feed the animals. 🥬🍉🍎🫐🍓🍇🍉
🥚The Farmers Daughter will be taking farm visitors on pasture walks with the emu, sheep, donkey and pigs at exactly 12&2 on posted open days (2&4 on Sundays)
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
Wed Mar 10 OPEN 10-5 (back pasture walk 12&2)
Thurs Mar 11 CLOSED
Fri Mar 12 OPEN 10-5 (back pasture walk 12&2)
Sat Mar 13 OPEN 10-5 (back pasture walk 12&2)
Sun Mar 14 OPEN 12-5 (back pasture walk 2&4)
Wed Mar 17☘️OPEN 10-5☘️Wear Green! (back pasture walk 12&2)
Thurs Mar 18 СLOSED
Fri Mar 19 OPEN 10-5
Sat Mar 20 OPEN 10-5
Sun Mar 21 OPEN 12-5

winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #ncfarm #wakeforestnc #comevisit #eggsforsale #buylocal #supportlocalsmallfarms #trianglefamilyfun #raleighmoms #durhamfamily #volunteeratwinterpast #funforallages #blacklivesmatterhere #feedinganimals #getoutside #babygoats #familyfun #getoutdoors #turkeys #parade

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