Pregnant goats ANGELA (black and white) and LUNA are good friends at Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC. Farmer Mary thinks LUNA will give birth first. We are looking forward to new “kids” at Winterpast Farm
Winterpast Farm will be OPEN MONDAY for visits from 10-5. Meet sweet 7 week old CHARLOTTE the Golden Retriever puppy before she goes to her new family.
Come feed, pet and hang out with our peacocks
, pigs
, dogs
, goats
ducks and more
Please SHARE with any animal loving friends who may be looking for something to enjoy doing outdoors.
For animal lovers, Here’s a link to Farmer Mary’s Amazon Wish List:
Thank YOU for supporting a small local farm family animal rescue.
Please DO NOT turn down Farmer neighbors private road when your GPS says to
PLEASE read the entire “Your Visit” section at to learn how to schedule a farm visit, admission price (cash only) and list of food you can bring to feed all the animals. We also usually have animal food for sale($5)
Help (for free
) by commenting on or sharing Farmer Mary’s posts on Instagram and at Winterpast Farm on Facebook. Farmer Mary CANNOT afford to pay to promote her posts to her own followers
We need volunteers year round. Teens can earn Community Service hours here. Please read the “Volunteer” section at
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
Mon Jan 23 OPEN 10-5
Tue/Wed/Thu CLOSED
Fri Jan 27 OPEN 10-5
Sat Jan 28 OPEN 10-5
Sun Jan 29OPEN 12-5
Mon Jan 30 OPEN10-5
Tues Jan 31 CLOSED
#winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #wakeforestnc #ncfarm #nc #animals #farm #ncagritourism #farmermary #farmher #raleighmoms #durhammoms #carymoms #trianglemoms #trianglefamily #ncoutdoors #ncagritourism #supportlocalsmallfarms #getoutside #volunteerhere #dwarfnigerian #goats #furfriends #pregnantgoats
Learn MoreFarmer Mary is thinking about ways to make Valentines Day special at Winterpast Farm. Did you know Valentines Day is Farmer Mary’s Birthday
Maybe we will have some sweet new baby goats to snuggle
Do YOU love baby goats
Our fresh eggs are a great Valentines Day gift for any foodie friends
Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo will be OPEN FRIDAY for visits from 10-5. Please read “Your Visit” at
For animal lovers, Here’s a link to Farmer Mary’s Amazon Wish List: YOU for supporting a small local farm family animal rescue.
Please DO NOT turn down Farmer neighbors private road when your GPS says to
PLEASE read the entire “Your Visit” section at to learn how to schedule a farm visit, admission price (cash only) and list of food you can bring to feed all the animals. We also usually have animal food for sale($5)
Help (for free
) by commenting on or sharing Farmer Mary’s posts on Instagram and at Winterpast Farm on Faceboock. Farmer Mary CANNOT afford to pay to promote her posts to her own followers
We need volunteers year round. Teens can earn Community Service hours here. Please read the “Volunteer” section at
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
Wed/Thurs CLOSED
Fri Jan 20 OPEN 10-5
Sat Jan 21 OPEN 10-5
Sun Jan 22 OPEN 12-5
Mon Jan 23 OPEN 10-5
Tue/Wed/Thu CLOSED
Fri Jan 27 OPEN 10-5
Sat Jan 28 OPEN 10-5
Sun Jan 29OPEN 12-5
Mon Jan 30 OPEN10-5
Tues Jan 31 CLOSED
Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo will be OPEN MONDAY for visits from 10-5. Please read “Your Visit” at
For animal lovers, Here’s a link to Farmer Mary’s Amazon Wish List:
Thank YOU for supporting a small local farm family animal rescue.
Please DO NOT turn down Farmer neighbors private road when your GPS says to
PLEASE read the entire “Your Visit” section at to learn how to schedule a farm visit, admission price (cash only) and list of food you can bring to feed all the animals. We also usually have animal food for sale($5)
Help (for free
) by commenting on or sharing Farmer Mary’s posts on Instagram and at Winterpast Farm on Faceboock. Farmer Mary CANNOT afford to pay to promote her posts to her own followers
We need volunteers year round. Teens can earn Community Service hours here. Please read the “Volunteer” section at
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
Mon Jan 16 OPEN 10-5
Fri Jan 20 OPEN 10-5
Sat Jan 21 OPEN 10-5
Sun Jan 22 OPEN 12-5
#winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #wakeforestnc #ncfarm #nc #animals #farm #ncagritourism #farmermary #farmher #raleighmoms #durhammoms #carymoms #trianglemoms #trianglefamily #ncoutdoors #ncagritourism #supportlocalsmallfarms #getoutside #volunteerhere #mlk #openmonday #whatareyoudoing
Learn MoreEarrings made from tusks trimmed from FRANKLIN pig at Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC.
Farmer Mary highly recommends @swanswineservices for in-home (or barn
) top quality caring pet pig care. Hoof trims, tusk trims, eye and ear cleaning. Please SHARE with any friends who have a beloved pet pig. Before and after tusk trimming pics below.
Winterpast Farm will be OPEN SATURDAY for visits from 10-5. Come feed, pet and hang out with our peacocks
, pigs
, dogs
, goats
ducks and more
You can meet and get a selfie with 6 week old CHARLOTTE puppy
Please SHARE with any animal loving friends who may be looking for something to enjoy doing outdoors.
For animal lovers, Here’s a link to Farmer Mary’s Amazon Wish List: YOU for supporting a small local farm family animal rescue.
Please DO NOT turn down Farmer neighbors private road when your GPS says to
PLEASE read the entire “Your Visit” section at to learn how to schedule a farm visit, admission price (cash only) and list of food you can bring to feed all the animals. We also usually have animal food for sale($5)
Help (for free
) by commenting on or sharing Farmer Mary’s posts on Instagram and at Winterpast Farm on Faceboock. Farmer Mary CANNOT afford to pay to promote her posts to her own followers
We need volunteers year round. Teens can earn Community Service hours here. Please read the “Volunteer” section at
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
Sat Jan 14 OPEN 10-5
Sun Jan 15 OPEN 12-5
Mon Jan 16 OPEN 10-5
Fri Jan 20 OPEN 10-5
Sat Jan 21 OPEN 10-5
Sun Jan 22 OPEN 12-5
Fresh chicken eggs for sale at Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC.
$5/dozen helps Farmer Mary continue to care for and to feed all the mostly former pet animals living at Winterpast Farm.
Buy local
Paid farm visit not required. Text Farmer Mary at 919-244-1800 and she can leave a box or two for you out in the old tobacco barn for pickup any time. Just pay in the box at the gate. Limited number of fresh emu eggs for sale. $25/
Winterpast Farm will be OPEN FRIDAY for visits from 10-5. Come feed, pet and hang out with our peacocks
, pigs
, dogs
, goats
ducks and more
You can meet 6 week old CHARLOTTE puppy
Please SHARE with any animal loving friends who may be looking for something to enjoy doing outdoors.
For animal lovers, Here’s a link to Farmer Mary’s Amazon Wish List:
Thank YOU for supporting a small local farm family animal rescue.
Please DO NOT turn down Farmer neighbors private road when your GPS says to
PLEASE read the entire “Your Visit” section at to learn how to schedule a farm visit, admission price (cash only) and list of food you can bring to feed all the animals. We also usually have animal food for sale($5)
Help (for free
) by commenting on or sharing Farmer Mary’s posts on Instagram and at Winterpast Farm on Faceboock. Farmer Mary CANNOT afford to pay to promote her posts to her own followers
We need volunteers year round. Teens can earn Community Service hours here. Please read the “Volunteer” section at
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
Fri Jan 13 OPEN 10-5
Sat Jan 14 OPEN 10-5
Sun Jan 15 OPEN 12-5
Mon Jan 16 OPEN 10-5
Fri Jan 20 OPEN 10-5
Sat Jan 21 OPEN 10-5
Sun Jan 22 OPEN 12-5
#winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #wakeforestnc #ncfarm #nc #animals #farm #ncagritourism #farmermary #farmher #raleighmoms #durhammoms #carymoms #trianglemoms #trianglefamily #ncoutdoors #ncagritourism #supportlocalsmallfarms #getoutside #volunteerhere #eggsforsale #shoplocal #eggs #chickens
Learn More