The Golden Retriever puppies at Winterpast Farm in Wake Forest NC are four weeks oldWhich color collar is YOUR favorite?
Comment at Winterpast Farm on Facebook.
Winterpast Farm will be OPEN FRIDAY for visits 10-6.
Please read the entire “Your Visit” section at
Thank you for supporting our small local farm family animal rescue.
Did you know you can watch the 9 four week old Golden Retriever puppies during most days on the Live Feed at Winterpast Farm on FB
Please read “Your Visit” at and make plans to visit soon. Spend an hour or spend the day. Plenty of shade and picnic tables here
Come get a unique baby goat
selfie. Learn how to feed an emu.
Check out the basking turtles and Koi in the pond Farmer Mary upcycled from an inground pool. We may have some baby ducklings there soon!
BTW: We could use more volunteer kitten snugglers and adults for puppy snuggling. Text Farmer Mary to set up a time to come help.
Please read the entire “Your Visit” section at Thank you for supporting a small local farm family animal rescue.
Help (for free
) by commenting on or sharing Farmer Mary’s posts on Instagram and at Winterpast Farm on Facebook. Farmer Mary CANNOT afford to pay to promote her posts to her own followers
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
Fri June 2 OPEN 10-6
Sat June 3 OPEN 10-6
Sun June 4 OPEN 12-5
Mon June 5 OPEN 10-5
Friday June 9 OPEN 10-6
Sat June 10 OPEN 10-5
Sun June 11 OPEN 12-6
Mon June 12 OPEN 10-5
Tues June 13 OPEN 1-6
#winterpastfarm #wakeforestnc #ncagritourism #ncfarm #farm #wakeforestnc #animals #farmfun #raleighmoms #durhammoms #trianglefamilyfun #carymoms #triangleoutdoors #agriculture #farmermary #farmher #supportlocalsmallfarms #getoutdoors #dog #dogsofinstagram #dogloverswelcome #puppy #goldenretriever #goldenlife #goldenpuppy #weekfour #pictureday
Learn MorePUMPKIN PIE is a great Mother to her nine four week old puppies at Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC. Watch how she cares for them on the Live Feed that Farmer Mary posts most days and evenings at Winterpast Farm on Facebook.
Be sure to comment YOUR favorite color collar
Farmer Mary may start training one as a service animal soon to help a local wheelchair user.
Please read “Your Visit” at Spend an hour or spend the day. Plenty of shade and picnic tables here
Come get a unique baby goat
selfie. Learn how to feed an emu.
Check out the basking turtles and Koi in the pond Farmer Mary upcycled from an inground pool. BTW: We could use more volunteer kitten snugglers and adults for puppy snuggling. Text Farmer Mary to set up a time to come help.
Please read the entire “Your Visit” section at Thank you for supporting a small local farm family animal rescue.
Help (for free
) by commenting on or sharing Farmer Mary’s posts on Instagram and at Winterpast Farm on Facebook. Farmer Mary CANNOT afford to pay to promote her posts to her own followers
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
Sun May 28 OPEN 12-5(check weather update
-Looks like the farm will be closed all day for rain
Mon May 29OPEN 10-6
Half price admission former/current military (check weather update
) Currently looks like the farm will be closed due to rain all day.
Tues/Wed/Thur CLOSED
Fri May 2 OPEN 10-6
Sat May3 OPEN 10-6
Sun May 4 OPEN 12-5
#winterpastfarm #wakeforestnc #ncagritourism #ncfarm #farm #goldenretriever #puppy #goldenlife #goodmom #farmermary #farmher #puppy #dog #puppylove #goldenretrievers #goldenpuppy #goldens #goldenpup #dogsofinstagram #cuties #weekfour
Learn MoreHappy Fluffy Butt Friday from Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC. Farmer Mary was feeding her emu yesterday when this sweet black hen climbed up her arm to hang out a while.
Winterpast Farm will be OPEN SATURDAY for visits from 10-6. Please read “Your Visit” at
Come get a unique baby goat
selfie. Learn how to feed an emu.
Check out the basking turtles and Koi in the pond Farmer Mary upcycled from an inground pool.
Snuggle the orphan kittens. Some still need a good home.
BTW: We could use more volunteer kitten snugglers and adults for puppy snuggling. Text Farmer Mary to set up a time to come help.
Please read the entire “Your Visit” section at Thank you for supporting a small local farm family animal rescue.
Help (for free
) by commenting on or sharing Farmer Mary’s posts on Instagram and at Winterpast Farm on Facebook. Farmer Mary CANNOT afford to pay to promote her posts to her own followers
Volunteer at Winterpast Farm. Read more at the Volunteer pages at
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
Sat May 20 OPEN 10-6
Sun May 21 OPEN 12-5 (please check posted 8am weather update It looks like rain may delay opening or close the farm)
Mon May 22 OPEN 10-5
Fri May 26 OPEN 10-6
Sat May 27 OPEN 10-6
Sun May 28 OPEN 12-5
Mon May 29OPEN 10-6 Half price admission former/current military
#winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #animalrescue #wakeforestnc #farm #animals #farmfun #raleighmoms #durhammoms #trianglefamilyfun #carymoms #triangleoutdoors #ncagritourism #farmermary #farmher #supportlocalsmallfarms #getoutdoors #featheredfriend #hen #chicken #feedinganimals #fluffybuttfriday
Learn MoreCHEESEBALL and PUMPKIN PIE hope you will bring food treats the next time you visit Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC.
Winterpast Farm will be OPEN WEDNESDAY for visits from 10-5.
Please read “Your Visit” at
NOTE: The newborn Golden Retriever puppies are not available for meeting by farm visitors for another week or two. Most days Farmer Mary sets up a Facebook Live feed from their rooms at Winterpast Farm on FB. Tune in!
Please read the entire “Your Visit” section at Thank you for supporting a small local farm family animal rescue.
Help (for free
) by commenting on or sharing Farmer Mary’s posts on Instagram and at Winterpast Farm on Facebook. Farmer Mary CANNOT afford to pay to promote her posts to her own followers
Volunteer at Winterpast Farm. Read more at the Volunteer pages at
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
Tues May 9 CLOSED
Wed May 10 OPEN 10-5
Thurs/Fri CLOSED
Sat May 13 OPEN 10-5
Sun May 14 CLOSED
Mon May 15 OPEN 10-5
Tues May 16 CLOSED
#winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #animalrescue #wakeforestnc #farm #he animals #farmfun #raleighmoms #durhammoms #trianglefamilyfun #carymoms #triangleoutdoors #ncagritourism #farmermary mdarmher #supportlocalsmallfarms #guineapigs #cheeseball
Learn MoreBring your cute kids to meet Farmer Mary’s cute (goat) kids soon at Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC.Winterpast Farm will be OPEN SATURDAY for visits from 10-6. Please read “Your Visit” at
NOTE: The newborn Golden Retriever puppies are not available for meeting by farm visitors for another week or two.
Please read the entire “Your Visit” section at Thank you for supporting a small local farm family animal rescue.
Help (for free
) by commenting on or sharing Farmer Mary’s posts on Instagram and at Winterpast Farm on Facebook. Farmer Mary CANNOT afford to pay to promote her posts to her own followers
Volunteer at Winterpast Farm. Read more at the Volunteer pages at
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
Sat May 6 OPEN 10-6
Sun May 7 OPEN 12-6
Mon May 8 OPEN 10-5 (check 8am posted weather update)
Tues May 9 CLOSED
Wed May 10 OPEN 10-5
Farmer Mary will post more open dates soon-she is waiting to hear back from a possible home birthday event. #mobilepettingzoo