Winterpast Farm will be OPEN WEDNESDAY for visits from 10-5. Please read the entire “Your Visit” section at Thank you for supporting a small local farm family animal rescue.
We are breeding Golden Retrievers at Winterpast Farm. Text Farmer Mary if you would like to be a volunteer puppy snuggler or puppy socializer.
We also have orphan bottle fed kittens who could use extra snuggling.
If YOU have ANY concerns or questions about our new program please address them directly to Farmer Mary NOT online. #dontbeakaren #talktome
Please read “Your Visit” at
Please SHARE with all your animal loving friends.
Please read the entire “Your Visit” section at Then, text Farmer Mary how many people to expect at what time. Come get a fun selfie with a baby goat or lamb (or both!)
PLEASE read the entire “Your Visit” section at to learn how to schedule a farm visit, admission price (cash only) and list of food you can bring to feed all the animals. We also usually have animal food for sale($5)
Help (for free
) by commenting on or sharing Farmer Mary’s posts on Instagram and at Winterpast Farm on Facebook. Farmer Mary CANNOT afford to pay to promote her posts to her own followers
Volunteer at Winterpast Farm. Read more at the Volunteer pages at
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
Wed May 3 OPEN 10-5
Thurs/Fri CLOSED for away events
Sat May 6 OPEN 10-6(check 8am posted weather update)
Sun May 7 OPEN 12-6
Mon May 8 OPEN 10-5
#winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #animalrescue #wakeforestnc #farm #animals #farmfun #raleighmoms #durhammoms #trianglefamilyfun #carymoms #triangleoutdoors #ncagritourism
Learn MoreDaily ENS (Early Neurological Stimulation) for 4 day old Miss BLUE puppy includes holding her on her back for the count of three. Each day the nine puppies are weighed; all are gaining steadily.
More about ENS for those who are interested:
The first three weeks of a puppy’s life are a crucial time. Puppies are very helpless at this stage. Their eyes do not open until around 10 days, and the sense of hearing starts around 2 weeks. Mama dog does most of the work at this stage; a breeders job is to keep everyone warm, safe, and clean.
The most important way to interact with puppies during this phase is by touch. Gentle handling and stroking at least two times a day teaches them that human touch is a pleasant experience.
Many dog breeders are providing increased environmental enrichment to puppies in the form of exposure to a large variety of toys, sounds, playtime outdoors, and interactions with a wide variety of humans and other animals.
Simple interactions early in a puppy’s life may increase its ability to learn and cope successfully with stress later on.
Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS), involves applying gentle stressors to a very young animal (age 3 days to 16 days exactly) for very short periods of time (only to the count of 3) .
The US Military developed this method designed to improve the performance of future military working dogs.
The stressors include holding them in different positions, and gently touching parts of their bodies including running a q-tip between the toes of one foot.
The link between stress and activation of the endocrine system is well known. The effects of short-term, very mild stress can be beneficial, creating “robustness” in the body and preparing it to deal more effectively with stressors later in life.
Possible benefits of ENS:
1. Improved cardio vascular performance (heart rate)
2. Stronger heart beats
3. Stronger adrenal glands
4. More tolerance to stress
5. Greater resistance to disease
#winterpastfarm #goldenretriever #puppies #ens #dogs #dayfour
Learn MoreWe are breeding Golden Retrievers at Winterpast Farm. Farmer Mary’s daughter, Elizabeth, is excited and proud to be starting this long planned and well researched new business “Elizabeth’s Goldens of Winterpast”.
If you have visited Winterpast Farm and would enjoy helping behind the scenes please text Farmer Mary if you would like to be a volunteer puppy snuggler or puppy socializer.
Some Friends of the Farm have dropped by with food treats for PUMPKIN PIE who is very busy making milk to feed her nine beautiful babies. All the puppies are growing daily and today Farmer Mary will start ENS (Early Neurological Stimulation) which she will explain in detail during the Live Feed for those who are interested.
We also have orphan bottle fed kittens who could use extra snuggling.
Cat litter and kitten food donations happily accepted. Farmer Mary has homes lined up for most of the kittens.
If YOU have ANY concerns about anything at Winterpast Farm please address them directly to Farmer Mary NOT online. This morning Farmer Mary had numerous “karen alert” messages from Friends of the Farm and found a very negative comment on one of her Instagram posts. Farmer Mary does not have to justify starting a new endeavor at Winterpast Farm and she is VERY happy to share her plans and her extensive research particularly with anyone who asks her directly. #dontbeakaren #talktome