Meet, feed and pet some very nice goats at Winterpast Farm in Wake Forest NC.
Winterpast Farm will be OPEN FRIDAY for visits 10-6. Right now it looks like rain may closethe farm for visits. Please chck back for any postd weather uodates.
Also, Please read “Your Visit” at
Make plans to bring your pumpkin to carve at Winterpast Farm in Wake Forest NC. (Wear your costume
too!) Then feed the seeds and glop to the animals.
Or, bring an uncarved pumpkin along to smash over the fence to help Farmer Mary feed the animals. Great stress relief during the upcoming holidays
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
Fri Oct 20 OPEN 10-6 (check back for any weather updates)
Sat Oct 21 OPEN 10-5
Farmer Mary will post more open dates soon. She is waiting for Golden Retriever puppies to be born.
Please read “Your Visit” at
#winterpastfarm #wakeforestnc #animals #getoutdoors #wakeforestfamily #raleighmoms #durhammoms #trianglefamily #makingmemories #getoutdoorsnc #supportlocalsmallfarms #goats #feedinganimals #girlsoutdoors #funforallages
Learn MoreFarmer Mary enjoyed taking goats ANGEL and OREO today to be the surprise greeters at a local wedding reception at @farmtablenc. ANY event is more fun with goats.
Ask Farmer Mary about hosting some sweet goats at YOUR next event
Winterpast Farm will be OPEN SUNDAY for visits 12-5. Please read “Your Visit” at
Make plans to bring your pumpkin to carve at Winterpast Farm in Wake Forest NC. (Wear your costume
too!) Then feed the seeds and glop to the animals.
Or, bring an uncarved pumpkin along to smash over the fence to help Farmer Mary feed the animals. Great stress relief during the upcoming holidays
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
Sun Oct 15 OPEN 12-5
Mon Oct 16 OPEN 10-5
Fri Oct 20 OPEN 10-6
Sat Oct 21 OPEN 10-5
Please read “Your Visit” at
It looks like rain will close Winterpast Farm for visits today. We will be OPEN SUNDAY 12-5. Hope to see you then or on a future nicer day.
Farmer Mary is taking two of her goats to a wedding later today. Stay tuned for pics!
ANY event is more fun with a goat
Make plans to bring your pumpkin to carve at Winterpast Farm in Wake Forest NC. (Wear your costume
too!) Then feed the seeds and glop to the animals.
Or, bring an uncarved pumpkin along to smash over the fence to help Farmer Mary feed the animals. Great stress relief during the upcoming holidays
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
Sat Oct 14 CLOSED Rain has closed the farm all day for visits
Sun Oct 15 OPEN 12-5
Mon Oct 16 OPEN 10-5
Fri Oct 20 OPEN 10-6
Sat Oct 21 OPEN 10-5
Please read “Your Visit” at
dear HENRY who turns 6
Thanks fo neighbors amd Friends of the Farm who visited today to wish HENRY “Happy Birthday” at Winterpast Farm in Wake Forest NC
He got some new bright yellow some
Winterpast Farm will be OPEN FRIDAY for visits 10-6.
Get outdoors and enjoy some time together with family and friends at Winterpast Farm. Please read “Your Visit” at
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
Sun Oct 8 OPEN 12-5 Henry’s Birthday
Mon-Thurs CLOSED
Fri Oct 13 OPEN 10-6
Sat Oct 14 OPEN 10-5
Sun Oct 15 OPEN 12-5
Mon Oct 16 OPEN 10-5
Please read “Your Visit” at
#winterpastfarm #wakeforestnc #animals #getoutdoors #wakeforestfamily #raleighmoms #durhammoms #trianglefamily #makingmemories #getoutdoorsnc #supportlocalsmallfarms #farm #getoutside #goldens #goldenretriever #goldenlife #ncgoldens #goldenlove #dogloverswelcome #goldenretrievers #dogs #greatdane #goodboy #happybirthday #henry #englishcreamgolden
Learn MoreFarmer Mary recently took her Mobile Petting Zoo from Winterpast Farm to a Harvest Festival event in Creedmore. The duck was a big hit along with a baby goat, bunnies, SONIC the
and some baby
Get outdoors and enjoy some time together with family and friends at Winterpast Farm in Wake Forest NC.
Winterpast Farm will be OPEN FRIDAY for visits 10-6. Please read “Your Visit” at
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
Fri Oct 6 OPEN 10-6
Sat Oct 7 OPEN 10-5
Sun Oct 8 OPEN 12-5
Mon-Thurs CLOSED
Fri Oct 13 OPEN 10-6
Sat Oct 14 OPEN 10-5
Sun Oct 15 OPEN 12-5
Mon Oct 16 OPEN 10-5
Please read “Your Visit” at