Sweet baby goat kisses are available any posted open day at Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC. This week old baby boy still needs a name!
Winterpast Farm will be OPEN for visits TOMORROW from 10-5 and open SUNDAY from 12-5.
Please read the entire “Your Visit” section at www.winterpast.org to learn how you can schedule a farm visit, our admission price and a list of food you can bring to feed the animals.
The Farmers Daughter will be taking farm visitors on tours of the emu nest in the far back forest at exactly 12&2 on posted open days (2&4 Sundays).
A very limited number of fresh emu eggs are for sale right now. Great gift for your foodie friends! $25 helps Farmer Mary continue to care for and feed all of the animals now living at Winterpast Farm.
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
Sat Feb 27 OPEN 10-5 (emu nest tour at12&2) DONKEY DAY!
Sun Feb 28 OPEN 12-5 (emu nest tour at2&4)
Wed Mar 3 OPEN 10-5 (emu nest tour at12&2) check for 8am weather updates
Thurs Mar 4 CLOSED
Fri Mar 5 OPEN 10-5 (emu nest tour at12&2) check for 8am weather updates
Sat Mar 6 OPEN 10-5 (emu nest tour at12&2) check for 8am weather updates
Sun Mar 7 OPEN 12-5 (emu nest tour at2&4) check for 8am weather updates
#winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #ncfarm #wakeforestnc #comevisit #eggsforsale #shoplocal #supportlocalsmallfarms #trianglefamilyfun #raleighmoms #getoutside #durhamfamily #volunteeratwinterpast #funforallages #blacklivesmatterhere #feedinganimals #emueggsforsale #getoutside #babygoat #babygoatkisses #goatsofinstagram #babyfarmanimals #babyneedsaname