Posted by Mary Droessler on Apr 4, 2012 in General | 0 comments
Farmer Mary can bring a wide variety of nice bunnies to your home to help celebrate your child’s birthday..
The “Bunny Birthday” party at your home is $100. There would be all age bunnies, all colors and sizes and all very friendly. Farmer Mary has a foldup pen they can be in, with your floor protected, or grass if outside, then kids can get in and hold or she can hand them out to have party guests hold them while seated.
If you are interested in a possible bunny party, just a reminder that this would be a really good time to get bunny themed party things at dollar stores and target!
Egg hunts are popular year round here at Winterpast Farm-we hide them along a forest trail for birthday guests to find. That’s another fun game you could easily add to a bunny birthday party at your home, hiding eggs indoors or outside. Other ideas include putting marshmallow or other candy bunnies in a jar and having children guess how many-winner takes the whole jar home! Farmer Mary has bunny themed books and coloring sheets available.
There would be a small charge for travel if your home is quite a distance from the farm.
Don’t forget Farmer Mary’s “Rent A Bunny” Program. A bunny in a cage with all the food and needed accessories is $20 a week. Great for holidays, home school projects, a chance to see if a pet bunny is right for your child/family. The birthday child might enjoy a week long in-home bunny visit prior to his or her party or afterwards to add to the fun.

Here’s Farmer Mary showing a bunny at a recent home party.

Farmer Mary hopes you’ll choose a BUNNY BIRTHDAY PARTY soon!