Closeup of sweet Vincent Van Hedgehog, better known as VINNIE. He moved to Winterpast is cialis generic available Farm because he only has one ear (like Vincent Van Gogh the painter). We love him just the way he is. A farm visitor took this great photo a few days ago while VINNIE was on her daughter’s lap. VINNIE cialis generic online stays inside most days now since it is too cold for him outside, but Farmer Mary can usually cialis online pharmacy bring him out to meet and sit in your lap a while briefly if you ask.
If you want to visit Winterpast Farm petting zoo in Wake Forest NC and meet all the animals please read “your visit” at which explains in great detail admission, how watermelon viagra effect to park at a pig, how not to go down the neighbors private road behind the barn even if your GPS says to turn there, and lists food you can bring to feed animals. Winterpast Farm Schedule: CLOSED Mon Nov 28 CLOSED Tues Nov 29 CLOSED Wed Nov 30 CLOSED Thurs Dec 1 OPEN Fri Dec 2 from 10-5 OPEN Sat Dec 3 from 10-2 OPEN Sun Dec 4 from 12-5 OPEN Mon Dec 5 from 10-5 CLOSED Tues Dec 6 OPEN Wed Dec 7 from 10-5 CLOSED Thurs Dec 8 OPEN Fri Dec 9 from 10-5 Thank you for supporting a small local farm family. Follow the farm fun at winterpast_farm Instagram.