Farmer Mary and friends and some of her children have started work on a composting toilet for use by visitors to Winterpast Farm. Years ago a funny shaped red building, originally used for storing firewood at another farm, arrived at Winterpast, and it has been sitting around near the peacock pen awaiting just the right use.
Farmer Mary keeps dogs while their families are on vacation (or at war, or while inlaws are in town…) and when a visitor asks to use the bathroom, it has been a bit of an ordeal to move dogs. So, this will solve all the issues of visitors needing a bathroom.
Yesterday the insulation went in, and the work continues today. Thanks to friend, Doyle, who,helped move and install insulation and brought a great pizza and to Steve, a visitor to the farm who thought he was just donating two bunnies to Winterpast, but ended up volunteering the use of his pickup truck to bring a computer desk from Goodwill that Farmer Mary plans to use in the construction of the seating part of the new toilet.
Insulation in, progress as of Thanksgiving morning. “Olga” the visiting Great Dane, is convinced this is her new vacation home.
By the end of Thursday afternoon, walls up, trim up top and bottom, computer desk partially dismantled for making into frame for seat, free door offered (hopefully including installation!), lighting ideas considered…more to do Friday.
Farmer Mary will attend a conference on composting toilets tonight in Chapel Hill…thentoilet at Winterpast will be open tomorrow..come try it out!!
This is the computer desk at Goodwill that became the toilet.
Starting to get some forwards of outhouse humor…
Still need a doorknob, an extension cord to the half put up Christmas lights that will serve as lighting, for now. Need to paint the door….but it has come a LONG ways!!