Farmer Mary will donate 100% of Winterpast Farm petting zoo farm income from today (we raised over $1000! yesterday!) to help a Wake Forest single mom purchase a much needed handicapped accessible van to transport her two sweet daughters, Jaidah and Morgan.
Farm open 12-6 today.
Come snuggle baby chicks, baby bunnies, baby lambs, baby goats and more! Meet a nice peacock who will eat from your hand, walk a baby goat or two on a leash, brush a Angora bunny, bottle feed a baby lamb or one of our two baby goats. Meet these two very recently donated guinea pigs…get outdoors and enjoy making memories with family and friends while raising money to help a local family.
Please read the entire “your visit” page at to learn about admission, parking, and view a list of animal food you can bring along. Then TEXT Farmer Mary at 919-244-1800 to let her know how many at what time. Please park with others in mind. If parking lot overflows please park on Ghoston Road right in front of entrance. ALL FOUR WHEELS off the road!
Please SHARE with friends and with other local business owners and encourage them to donate a day. Just a day and a local single mom could finally have safe transport for her two girls. All Wake Forest parents, please consider but for the grace of God it could be you needing this van.
#wakeforestnc #momshelpingmoms #jaidahandmorgan #winterpastfarm #sharelove # #visitwinterpastfarm #opentoday #guineapigsofinstagram #babylambsofinstagram #babygoatsofinstagram #minihorsesofinstagram #minidonkeysofinstagram #babychicksofinstagram #peacocks #emu #pekinduck #farmfun