Sweet BETSY is recuperating from her emergency c-section yesterday and is hanging out under a heat lamp on this chilly morning at Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC.

She has eaten some treats and has plenty of hay and Farmer Mary thinks, based on stains on a blanket in her pen, that she passed (and ate) her placenta (that’s a good thing!) BETSY will be on pain meds and antibiotics for a while so prayers for her speedy and full recovery are requested.

It will be hard for her to watch all the other goat and sheep moms with their new babies.


Winterpast Farm Schedule:

CLOSED Tues Mar 26

OPEN 10-5 Wed Mar 27

CLOSED Thurs Mar 28

OPEN 10-5 Fri Mar 29

OPEN 10-6 Sat Mar 30

OPEN 12-5 Sun Mar 31


Please read “your visit” at to learn how to schedule a visit, what food 🥗🥕🌽🍅🍌🍏🍇🍎🍐🍓🍇🥒🥦🍠you can bring for feeding all the animals, how to “park at a pig” 🐖 in our small parking lot, how to NOT turn down Farmer Mary’s neighbors private road behind the old tobacco barn when your GPS says to, our admission cost and more visit tips.


Farmer Mary could use some volunteers for spreading mulch and for baby goat and lamb snuggling. Read the Volunteer pages at to access on phones)


If YOU love ❤️ animals you can help by please checking out the Amazon Wish List for Winterpast Farm. Farmer Mary is especially in need of Timothy hay. The seven nursing mothers eat a lot of hay and the babies start to nibble on hay at about two weeks old. Hay can also be purchased at at Walmart, pet and feed stores.

#winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #wakeforest #farmermary #farmher #betsy #recovery #goat #goatsofinstagram #sadmom #ncfarm #closedtoday #thatsenoughrain

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