CHEESEBALL and PUMPKIN PIE hope you will bring food treats the next time you visit Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC.
Winterpast Farm will be OPEN WEDNESDAY for visits from 10-5.
Please read “Your Visit” at
NOTE: The newborn Golden Retriever puppies are not available for meeting by farm visitors for another week or two. Most days Farmer Mary sets up a Facebook Live feed from their rooms at Winterpast Farm on FB. Tune in!
Please read the entire “Your Visit” section at Thank you for supporting a small local farm family animal rescue.
Help (for free
) by commenting on or sharing Farmer Mary’s posts on Instagram and at Winterpast Farm on Facebook. Farmer Mary CANNOT afford to pay to promote her posts to her own followers
Volunteer at Winterpast Farm. Read more at the Volunteer pages at
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
Tues May 9 CLOSED
Wed May 10 OPEN 10-5
Thurs/Fri CLOSED
Sat May 13 OPEN 10-5
Sun May 14 CLOSED
Mon May 15 OPEN 10-5
Tues May 16 CLOSED
#winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #animalrescue #wakeforestnc #farm #he animals #farmfun #raleighmoms #durhammoms #trianglefamilyfun #carymoms #triangleoutdoors #ncagritourism #farmermary mdarmher #supportlocalsmallfarms #guineapigs #cheeseball