Farmer Mary rarely posts animal adoptions because adoption news tends to make other people who like to do what other people do follow them like the sheep they are.
However since the rabid rabbit “rescue” trolls are now approaching Farmer Mary’s Instagram followers individually bashing her here is an adoption success after a week long animal rental from Winterpast Farm. More happy adoption pics in comments at Winterpast Farm on FB.
Apparently they (the herd of haters) don’t like the word “rental” so Farmer Mary has changed it to “hosting”. I am sure the herd will make their views on the new wording very public.
They (that herd of trolls/haters) don’t like Farmer Mary calling Winterpast Farm a “Sanctuary”. (noun 1.a place of refuge or safety. ) Winterpast Farm IS a sanctuary for many unwanted animals: for a pig born without a back left foot, for HELEN KELLER the blind bunny and DUTCHESS the bunny with a stripe the wrong width that breeders found flawed, the duck with the twisted beak and the one with the twisted foot. The chicken who wasn’t laying eggs any more…all these animals are found to be perfect in Farmer Mary’s eyes and all are welcome at Winterpast Farm. Winterpast Farm is a sanctuary for teens with anxiety, depression, special needs and more who find purpose volunteering and caring for the animals at Winterpast Farm. Farmer Mary’s own special needs adopted children have found Sanctuary at Winterpast Farm.
None of the herd of trolls/haters has ever been to Winterpast Farm or ever met Farmer Mary. They live in Toronto, South Africa, Asia and all over the U. S.
They obviously have way too much time on their hands so are spending an incredible amount of time trying to defame Farmer Mary. Too bad they don’t spend that time boots on the ground at an animal Sanctuary or rescue nearby.
Too bad Farmer Mary has to take time away from caring for all the animals living in sanctuary at Winterpast Farm to delete and block hateful and untrue comments and block those haters and work with Facebook to address the illegal poor reviews by the herd of troll haters who have never been to Winterpast Farm. #hatersgonnahate #hatersnevervolunteer #winterpastfarm #animalsanctuary