Just when you think they can’t possibly get any cuter, they get cuter! (View a video of them taken today at winterpast_farm on Instagram) Baby Angora bunnies are just about a month old now and love celery, apples slices and kale. Bring them a treat next time you visit Winterpast Farm petting zoo in Wake Forest NC. Winterpast Farm Schedule: CLOSED Sun July 24  OPEN Mon July 25 from 10-5 CLOSED Tues July 26 CLOSED Wed July 27 while Farmer Mary takes her animals to Animal Kingdom Camp at

a church OPEN Thurs July 28 from 10-5 OPEN Fri July 29 from 10-5 OPEN Sat July 30 from 10-5 CLOSED Sun July 31 Please read the ENTIRE “your visit” page at our website which explains in great detail how to schedule a farm visit and what foods you can bring to feed all the animals.  Follow the farm videos and posts at winterpast_farm on Instagram. Thank you for supporting a small local farm family.

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