Bring your pumpkins (carved is ok but please no mold or candles that could hurt the animals) to Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC.
If you drive past a pumpkin stand that didn’t sell them all please stop and ask if they would like to deliver those remaining to the zoo. The address is 12936 Ghoston Road Wake Forest and they can be left any time out in the parking lot or ask them to text Farmer Mary at 9192441800. Texting only please.
Thank you for supporting a small local farm family animal rescue.
Bring your own pumpkin to carve or buy one here ($5) and leave the mess at the zoo! Feed all the seeds and glop to the animals at Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC!
Farmer Mary has everything you need to carve. The zoo will be open next on Wednesday (if not raining!) from 10-5.
Please read “your visit” at
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
OPEN 10-5 Wed Oct 30-wear your costume! Carve your pumpkin! Pumpkins are also for sale ($5). Rain stay away!!
CLOSED Thurs Oct 31 for away events including 6:30-8:30 at Celebration Church 8700 Capital Blvd. Come for fun and animals! Rain stay away!
OPEN 10-5 Fri Nov 1
OPEN 10-5 Sat Nov 2 (Free admission for all Grandparents)
Please read “your visit” at
#winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #wakeforest #farmermary #farmher #funforallages #yourlocalzoo #ncfarm #feedinganimals #farmfun #ncag #getoutdoors #getoutside #trianglefamilyfun #raleighmoms #durhamfamilyfun #supportlocalsmallfarms #wakeforestfamily #bringyourpumpkin #volunteeratwinterpast #supportlocalsmallbusinesses #pumpkin #pumpkins