Family Farm Fun yesterday at Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC.

Farmer Mary’s four dogs are very popular with farm visitors. Can you name these two? Can you name all four??

The dogs all say please bring tennis balls and dog treats next time YOU visit Winterpast Farm!

Thank you for supporting a small local farm family animal rescue.


Winterpast Farm Schedule:

CLOSED Tues May 28

OPEN 10-5 Wed May 29

CLOSED Thurs May 30

CLOSED Fri May 31

OPEN 10-5 Sat June 1

OPEN. 12-5 Sun June 2

OPEN 10-5 Mon June 3

CLOSED Tues June 4

CLOSED Wed June 5

CLOSED Thurs June 6

OPEN 10-5 Fri June 7

OPEN 10-2 Sat June 8 then closed for private event

OPEN 12-5 Sun June 9

Please read “your visit” at to learn how to schedule a visit, what food 🥗🥕🌽🍅🍌🍏🍇🍎🍐🍓🍇🥒🥦🍠you can bring for feeding all the animals, how to “park at a pig” 🐖 in our small parking lot, how to NOT turn down Farmer Mary’s neighbors private road behind the old tobacco barn when your GPS says to, admission cost etc.

#winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #wakeforest #farmermary #farmher #ncfarm #lovedogs #dogs #dogsofinstagram #farmfun #raleighmoms #supportlocalsmallfarmers #getoutside #namethatdog

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