Chickens and ducks and quail all keep on laying their beautiful eggs despite the weather forecast. Farmer Mary thought she may as well have fun with the eggs this morning!
There are a few loose branches down and some light rain here and Farmer Mary and the animals are all just waiting to see what happens next at Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC!
Farmer Mary will not post open farm dates or hours until Florence is gone. Please don’t text to ask when we will be open. We don’t know.
#wakeforestnc #winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #wakeforest #wakeforestnc #farmfun #ncfarm #farmermary #farmher #loveanimals #eggs #farmeggs #duckeggs #greeneggs #browneggs #chickeneggs #eggsforsale #hurricane eggs #hurricaneflorence #quaileggs #eggart #makeartdaily #fresheggs #farmart
#preparingforflorence #florencepleasestayaway