⭐️Despite some sprinkles Farmer Mary and the Farmers Daughter enjoyed shepherding their own sheep tonight at the 21st Annual Live Nativity at St. Francis United Methodist Church in Cary.
⭐️Most of the event was held indoors tonight due to weather but tomorrow night the whole event will be in the beautiful barn starting at 6. Hope to see you there! Bring a carrot or apple slice for feeding the animals. The address is 2965 Kildaire Farm Rd Cary.
⭐️Farmer Mary and Elizabeth will be in the big barn from 6-7 tomorrow night in shepherd costumes holding the leashes of THOMAS the ram and GRACIE his lovely young bride.
⭐️ All are invited to a free pasta dinner from 5:30.
⭐️At 6 pm, the narrated, outside Live Nativity begins with costumed biblical characters and live animals. Inside the Sanctuary building, visitors are invited to make children’s holiday crafts and to walk through a collection of unique nativity displays from around the world.
⭐️On Wednesday, those activities wind down at 7 pm, and a hour of festive, live, holiday music for all ages begins in the Sanctuary, offered by the Saint Francis Brass Band and the Silver Fantasy Flute Orchestra.
⭐️Please join us and please spread the word about this free family holiday event.
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
OPEN 10-4 Wed Dec 11
⭐️Live Nativity at St. Francis UMC Cary 6-7
CLOSED Thurs Dec 12
OPEN 10-3 Fri Dec 13
⭐️LifePointe Live Nativity 3390 John Adams Rd Willow Springs 7-9
⭐️Also at Reality Ministries 916 Lamond Ave Durham 7-8
OPEN 10-3 Sat Dec 14
⭐️LifePointe Live Nativity 3390 John Adams Rd Willow Springs 7-9
OPEN 12-5 Sun Dec 15
OPEN 10-3 Mon Dec 16
⭐️Tippets Chapel Live Nativity 2530 Shotwell Rd Clayton 630-8
CLOSED Tues Dec 17
OPEN 10-5 Wed Dec 18
🎃Donate intact pumpkins to help Farmer Mary feed the animals. Drop off out by the barn any time or bring along on a visit!
🐷Please #shoplocal local this holiday! Farmer Mary has fresh emu eggs, handmade clay animal shaped ornaments, gift certificates, peacock feathers and more for sale. Sales help her continue to care for and feed all the animals. #livenativity #farmermary #farmher #farmersdaughter #whatididonmychristmasbreak #stfrancisumc #sheep #carychristmas