Wow! The white peacock is still growing out his tail feathers after his annual molt but he has been strutting around lately displaying most days for visitors to Winterpast farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC. He still needs a name. Any ideas?
Meanwhile, his friends CLAIRE the donkey and some of the sheep (CINDY LOU and SUNFLOWER) and goats (FRANCES and ROSE) are performing tonight til 9 in the annual Live Nativity at Hayes Barton Baptist Church (1800 Glenwood Avenue) in Raleigh. This is the third and final night.Hope you can attend!
If you go tonight please take a selfie showing the animals and text it to Farmer Mary at 919-244-1800. She will post your pics AND you will get one free admission to Winterpast Farm for each person pictured!!
Animals at Hayes Barton Baptist Live Nativity, Raleigh 7-9
OPEN 10-5 Wed Dec 25Emu nest tours! Buy a fresh emu egg for a last minute gift!
CLOSED Thurs Dec 26
OPEN 10-5 Fri Dec 27
OPEN 10-5 Sat Dec 28
OPEN 12-5 Sun Dec 29
OPEN 12-5 Mon Dec 30
Thank you for supporting a small local farm family animal rescue.
Please read your visit” at #winterpastfarm #farmermary #farmher #ncfarm #peacock #peacocks #peacocksofinstagram #whitepeacock #handsomeguys #showoff #peacockfeathers #openchristmas