Snuggle a sweet bunny or baby goat
today from 10-5 at Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC!
Thank you for supporting a small local farm family animal rescue.
This will be the last day the farm is open for a while. Please read “Your Visit” at Please text to make an appointment so Farmer Mary can space out her visitors and volunteers. Please wash your hands at the barn when you arrive and wash them again when you leave. Please stay home if you feel sick.
Winterpast Farm has ten acres so you can easily “socially distance” yourself from other humans while visiting or volunteering and enjoying the company of sweet baby goats, bunnies and more!
Did you know that being outdoors on sunny days is healthy for you?
When your skin is exposed to sunlight, it makes vitamin D.
Vitamin D has been shown to help the body fight colds and flu, so time outdoors can help boost the immune system. #getoutside
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
OPEN 10-5 Fri Mar 27
VOLUNTEER! Read more at Farmer Mary will have volunteering opportunities for household groups available. She is getting the pond ready to open, planting a big sunflower and veg garden, planning to paint her house in rainbow stripes-come help!! She still has one arm in a sling!
PET RENTAL! Farmer Mary will continue to have curbside pickup of rental #supportanimals available. Currently guinea pigs and bunnies are available. One group of three ducklings is available now. Groups of baby chicks will be available soon; Farmer Mary has several hens setting on eggs. Read more at “Pet Rental” at
DONATE: bunny food, Timothy hay, fresh veggies and fruit Farmer Mary will still be caring for and feeding all the animals and could use some help!
#winterpast #pettingzoo #ncfarm #farmermary #farmher #supportlocalfarms #wakeforestnc #babygoats