Farmer Mary has started painting the edges of the pond and the diving board black to make the pool-to-pond conversion more natural looking at Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC. She can always use more water plants if you have friends with an over abundance.


Farmer Mary is watching for baby koi since the koi have been in the pond long enough to multiply.


See the Amazon Wish List for Winterpast Farm if you want to buy some food for the turtles and fish to either gift the zoo or else bring it along on your next farm visit and you can use Farmer Mary’s cool catapult to feed the pond dwellers.

Turtle food, koi food, dried crickets, also thinly sliced apples, kale, cooked corn kernels, peas (unthawed frozen or fresh), grapes, collard greens, bok choy, (NOT ICEBERG LETTUCE) collards, mealworms (live or dried) thinly sliced or grated carrots, green beans, dandelion greens, parsley, clover are all things you can bring along to feed the fish and turtles. Farmer Mary also has small bags of fish/turtle feed for sale for $1.


Thank you for supporting a small local farm family animal rescue.


Winterpast Farm Schedule:

OPEN 10-5 Wed May 1

CLOSED Thurs,Fri

OPEN 2-6 Sat May 4

OPEN 12-5 Sun May 5

OPEN 10-5 Mon May 6


OPEN 10-6 Sat May 11

OPEN 11-5 Sun May 12 (Mothers Day! Moms half price admission!)

Please read “your visit” at www.winterpast.org to learn how to schedule a visit, what food 🥗🥕🌽🍅🍌🍏🍇🍎🍐🍓🍇🥒🥦🍠you can bring for feeding all the animals, how to “park at a pig” 🐖 in our small parking lot, how to NOT turn down Farmer Mary’s neighbors private road behind the old tobacco barn when your GPS says to, our admission cost (cash only) and more visit tips.

Thank you for supporting a small local farm family animal rescue.#winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #wakeforest #farmermary #farmher #pooltopond #pond #backyardpond #diywaterfall #divingboard #formerpool #pondlife #naturalizing #donateaquaticplants #ncfarm #ncag #supportsmalllocalfarms #opentomorrow

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