Good morning from Winterpast Farm Petting zoo in Wake online pharmacy viagra Forest NC. All the animals love to eat pumpkins. If you live nearby feel free to drop off your cuttings and seeds at the farm after you cut your Halloween pumpkin and feel free to bring any uncut pumpkins after the holidays. Thanks from all the animals at Winterpast! Farmer forzest vs cialis Mary is selecting which animals will go along with her to two different home birthday parties today. The rain may change the location from yard to garage, but the sweet animals from Winterpast Farm always make

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a party more fun no matter what the weather! Winterpast Farm Schedule: CLOSED Sat Oct 8 for two away birthdays (rain rain stay away!) OPEN Sun Oct 9 from 12-5 (that’s enough rain thank you) OPEN Mon Oct 10 male enhancement pills cialis from 10-5 CLOSED Tues Oct 11 CLOSED Wed Oct 12 OPEN Thurs Oct 13 from 12-5 after private group OPEN Fri Oct 14 from 10-5 OPEN Sat Oct 15 from 10-5 with special REPTILE DAY from  12-2 OPEN Sun Oct 16 from 12-5 Please read “your visit” at www.winterpast.org to learn how to schedule your farm visit and what food you can bring to feed the animals.  Thank You for supporting a small local farm family. Follow the farm fun at winterpast_farm at Instagram.#pumpkin #chickensofinstagram #ducks #silkiechicken #callducks #winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #prayingforhaiti 

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