Farmer Mary spotted a guinea setting on this secret nest of eggs at Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC. When the guinea left her nest briefly for a drink of water Farmer Mary took a closer look at the nest where there are a variety of duck eggs, chicken eggs and guinea eggs. A Crested Polish hen is setting on one side of the nest along with the guinea. Chicken and guinea eggs will hatch first (21 days) so Farmer Mary may have to incubate the remaining duck eggs (28 days). She will be keeping a close eye on this nest.
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
CLOSED Tues, Wed, Thurs for catching up on farm chores and away events
OPEN Fri June22 from 10-5
OPEN Sat June 23 from 10-5
OPEN Sun June 24 from12-5
CLOSED Mon,Tues,Wed and Thursday for three field trips and other events)
OPEN Fri June 29 from 10-5
OPEN Sat June 30 from 10-5
Please read “your visit” at for information about how to schedule a visit, how NOT to turn down the private road behind Farmer Mary’s barn just because your GPS says to, admission (cash only-too many bad checks lately!), and list of animal feed to bring.
If you would like to help Farmer Mary continue to care for and feed all the animals, Winterpast Farm petting Zoo has an Amazon Wish List. Thank you for supporting a small local farm family animal rescue. #winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #wakeforest #wakeforestnc #wakeforestoutdoors #farmermary #farmher #getoutdoors #getoutside #eggsforsale #nest #secretnest #plentyofshadehere #ncfarm #supportlocalsmallbusiness #supportlocalfarmers #buylocal #volunteeratwinterpast