You can find an AMAZON Wish List for Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo.
We can also always use old towels, fleece blankets, pillow cases (especially flannel), comforters, old sleeping bags (we dont care if the zipper broke!),
Outdoor seating-plastic chairs, benches, tables too.
Any pet items-carriers, pens, leashes, collars, food (wet or dry, dog or cat or other)
Building material-wire, wire fencing, roofing, lumber, plywood…
Help with building and repairing fences and pens, especially roofs of pens. Really low skill level required
Seasonally we love donated pumpkins and christmas trees.
If you want to help Farmer Mary feed the animals the following (any brand or type) feed is always VERY useful:
Guinea pig
Goat-sweet or regular
Sheep-sweet or regular
Chicken-crumbles or pellets
Baby chick
“All stock” feed
Thank you for supporting a small local farm family animal rescue.