#MeetMyGoatMonday. This is sweet MARTHA WHITE. She is a Lamancha dairy goat who came to live at Winterpast Farm after one of Farmer Mary’s good farmher friends was having health issues and had to give up her herd.
MARTHA WHITE was her favorite and she is a favorite now with farm visitors of all ages at Winterpast Farm. She is pregnant by PACKER and Farmer Mary is very interested to see if the babies will have internal “elf” ears like Mom or external ears like Dad.
When you come on your next farm visit please bring food treats for all the goats. They especially love kale, 🍇grapes, apple 🍏🍎slices, bananas🍌,watermelon 🍉and thinly sliced cucumbers🥒. Thank you for supporting a small local farm family animal rescue.
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
CLOSED Tues June 25
OPEN 10-5 Wed June 26
CLOSED Thursday June 27
CLOSED Fri June 28(BYOB&D (dog) singles pasture event 6-9pm)
OPEN 10-6 Sat June 29
OPEN 12-5 Sun June 30
OPEN 1-6 Mon July 1
Please read “your visit” at www.winterpast.org to learn how to schedule a visit, what food 🥗🥕🌽🍅🍌🍏🍇🍓🍇🥒🥦🍠you can bring for feeding all the animals, how to “park at a pig” 🐖 in our small parking lot, how to NOT turn down Farmer Mary’s neighbors private road behind the old tobacco barn when your GPS says to, our admission cost (cash only)etc.
#winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #wakeforest #farmermary #farmher #ncfarm #raleighmoms #volunteeratwinterpast #supportlocalsmallfarms #funforallages #openjuly4 #marthawhite #theyounghomestead #goat #goats #goatsofinstagram #lovegoats #dairygoats #pregnantgoat