OPAL the velvety soft former pet Rex breed bunny loves to sit in laps and nibble on food treats that visitors bring to Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC. Yesterday a local family had watermelon for breakfast and then they brought all the rinds along to Winterpast Farm and the animals loved them!

Farmer Mary is happy to take grass clippings, garden produce, any veggies and fruit to help feed all the animals now living at Winterpast Farm. Text her if you have questions 919-244-1800 or drop it off in the shade by the barn or come while the farm is posted open and throw it over the fence to the animals yourself!

Did you know that you can rent a guinea pig or bunny for a week from Winterpast Farm?!

Most rentals cure people of all ages from actually buying a pet bunny (which would probably windup back at Winterpast Farm eventually any how!)

Please help Farmer Mary recycle existing pets instead of just creating more! YOU can help Farmer Mary feed all the former pet bunnies now living at Winterpast Farm by donating through the Winterpast Farm Amazon Wish List. At Amazon look under Registry (wouldn’t you think they would just call a Wish List a Wish List??!) and be sure to put a space between the words Winterpast and Farm or the List just won’t show up.

Thank YOU for supporting a small local farm family animal rescue!

Winterpast Farm Schedule:

OPEN Sun Aug 26 from 12-5

OPEN Mon Aug 27 from 10-5

CLOSED Tues, Wed, Thurs

OPEN Fri Aug 31 from 10-5

OPEN Sat Sept 1 from 10-5

OPEN Sun Sept 2 from 12-5

OPEN Mon Sept 3 from 10-5


Please read “your visit” at www.winterpast.org for information about how to schedule a visit, how NOT to turn down the private road behind Farmer Mary’s barn just because your GPS says to, admission (cash only-too many bad checks lately!), and list of animal feed you can bring.

#volunteeratwinterpast #winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #farmermary #opentoday #getoutside #bunny #rexbunny #farmher #bunniesofinstagram #rentarabbit #pettentsl #rentdontshop #supportlocalsmallfarms #plentyofshadehere

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