First peacock egg of the season! At Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC.
Farmer Mary is very busy right now securing pens and tarps and getting ready for the big storm that may be coming. Hoping it misses us, especially high winds and hail!
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
OPEN Thurs April 6 from 2-6
CLOSED Fri April 7
OPEN Sat April 8 from 10-5
OPEN Sun April 9 from 12-5
OPEN Mon April 10 from 10-5
CLOSED Tues April 11
OPEN Wed April 12 from 10-5
CLOSED Thurs April 13
OPEN Fri April 14 from 10-5
OPEN Sat April 15 from 10-5
If you want to visit Winterpast Farm and meet and feed and snuggle the animals PLEASE read the entire “your visit” page at which covers admission, parking, lists food to bring to feed the animals, reminds you not to turn down the neighbors private road behind the barn at Winterpast Farm just because your GPS tells you to! And if you have to park overflow on the road please have all four wheels off the road.
Thank you for supporting a small local farm family.#peacock #peacock egg #winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #wakeforestnc #opentomorrow #rainraingoaway #peacockfeather #nailpolish #pink