🦆One day old ducklings at Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC🦆
❤️Thank YOU for supporting a small local farm family farm animal rescue.
🐐🐑Come meet and snuggle the baby goats and baby lambs. We have six baby goats and two baby lambs so far. They don’t stay little long!
🐇Please read the entire “Your Visit” section at www.winterpast.org to learn how you can schedule a farm visit, our admission price (cash only) and a list of food you can bring to feed all the animals.
🐑Please DO NOT try to feed the baby goats or the lambs while you are here-they only drink their moms milk!!
Winterpast Farm Schedule:
Sat April 17 OPEN 1-6 after a Birthday Event (pasture walk 3&5)
Sun April 18 OPEN 12-5 (pasture walk 2&4)
Mon April 19OPEN 10-5 (pasture walk 12&2)
Tues/Wed/Thurs CLOSED
Fri April 23 🦆Duckling Day! (Pasture walk 12&2)
Sat April 24 OPEN 10-5 (pasture walk 12&2)
Sun April 25 CLOSED
Mon April 26 OPEN 10-5 (pasture walk 12&2)
Tues April 27 CLOSED
Wed April 28 OPEN 10-5 (pasture walk 12&2)
Thurs/Fri CLOSED
#winterpastfarm #pettingzoo #ncfarm #wakeforestnc #comevisit ##eggsforsale #buylocal #supportlocalsmallfarms #trianglefamilyfun #raleighmoms #durhamfamily #volunteeratwinterpast #funforallages #blacklivesmatterhere #feedinganimals #familyfun #ducklings