🥕🍎Farmer Mary’s tutorial on cutting food small enough to feed animals at Winterpast Farm Petting Zoo in Wake Forest NC. Some cages have very small openings and it is annoying to have food that won’t fit. This frenchfry size also won’t choke any of the animals.
Favorite foods:
🥬Romaine lettuce
Whole wheat saltines or ritz
Plain cheerios
Old fashioned dry oatmeal
🍌bananas-even chickens will peck at the soft part. The goats and bunnies love the skins.The riper the better!
🍎The animals prefer all the yellow or pink softer apples rather than harder Red Delicious or Granny Smith.
🫑Bell peppers-animals seem to prefer the yellow, orange or red over green. Smaller peppers can be cut into very thin strips.
🍠🍐🥦Frenchfry size or matchstick for sweet potatoes, pears, brocolli (especially the harder stems). Some chickens will happily peck at the broccoli florets if held firmly.
🌽Corn on the cob is popular. The outer husk can be offered to goats, sheep, bunnies and guinea pigs. No one eats the “silk”. The corn cob can be held out firmly for birds to peck at. The cob can be offered (while held tightly) to the donkey or pigs to bite a piece. Some guinea pigs may be interested if you hold the cob close enough to their cage for them to nibble.
🍉cut small strips or hold out a half to an emu. Smash a whole one over the fence‼️
🔴⚫️🔵🟣Please don’t cut any food into circles which are choking hazards.
🌱Bring fresh grass clippings, glop left over from juicing, ivy clippings,vines or produce from home gardens, dandelion plants, chickweed, clover.☘️
In the Fall donate any uncut pumpkins and gourds. All the animals love to eat them ‼️
🍂🍁We love donated bags of dry leaves in the Fall which some of the animals eat and Farmer Mary also uses as bedding in cages and out in the barn.
🍞🫓A small amount of bread, preferably whole wheat, can be brought or donated. Please cut bread slices into thin strips and tortillas or other items into very thin strips. Please don’t feed bread (or crackers) to the dogs‼️
❤️Thank you for supporting a small local farm family animal rescue.❤️