Farmer Mary proudly announces the wedding of “Silver” the bunny (who is half chinchilla and oh so soft with gray stripes) and “Sandy” the very large bunny (mostly white with light brown patches) which had been living out by the barn. The couple is honeymooning in Silver’s large domestic quarters for a week or two. Honeymoon babies are expected on October 21. The wedding feast consisted of fresh kale from a friend’s Fall garden, carrots, aged bananas and fresh alfalfa hay. Please come hold the babies this Fall and Winter. The more they are held (esp. in the morning right after they’ve nursed) the calmer they will be.
Learn MoreA few months ago, the pink “Wilbur” pigs knocked over a bunny cage several times so six ruby-eyed, half angora bunnies have been roaming the farm ever since quite happily. Farmer Mary has been amazed to not find millions of baby bunnies (she envisioned having to change the name of the farm from “Winterpast” to “White Bunny Farm”). Then, last week a little girl visitor pointed out a white baby bunny (about 5 weeks old) under a red building in the front yard. Four more have been sighted, four all white, and one with dark ears and a spot. Two have been caught by visitors and loved on a while. It’s too early to take them from their Mom since their age is unsure, but eventually, in a few weeks, Farmer Mary plans to bring them inside and they will be available in the new “Rent a Rabbit” program where you can take a bunny home (with cage and all supplies) for $20 a week.
Learn MoreA new dining adventure at Winterpast Farm is lunching on a motor boat in the back pasture…don’t worry, it’s not going anywhere except in your child’s imagination…kids are also welcome to play on the boat without dining.
Could you, would you with a goat?
Could you, would you in a boat?
The ultimate is lunching with a goat in a boat…Lizzie Lou is available although she likes to eat!
Visit Winterpast Farm soon and have a unique dining experience.